How do you shoot?


Do you shoot with both eyes open or with only your dominant eye open and why?

I read somewhere that shooting with both eyes open was better than with one eye open. I have astigmatism and I am also long sighted. I find shooting with only my right (dominant) eye open gives me the most comfort and accuracy. FYI, I wear my corrective lens with protective eye goggles when shooting.
I shoot with my dominant eye but I too have read a lot about people keeping both eyes open and I'm looking forward to trying that. I read that a lot of police train with both eyes open.
Well I was born without eyelids. Costs me a fortune in eyedrops:rolleyes:.

PS I hear if you squint with your "off" eye, you can benefit from the best of both worlds. Give it a shot.

For me, It kind of depends.
For slow, precision shots, dominant eye only works well, with maybe the other eye slightly open.
For faster shots and / or multiple targets, both eyes open definitely works best then.
It depends on the kind of sights, too.
Optical and small iron sights seem best with on eye.
Large iron sights and dot scopes seem to work best with both eyes open.
Both eyes on the front sight. We were born Bi focal and we focus best with both eyes. The best way to see the front sight is with both eyes so why handicap yourself?
you shoot with both eyes open but really just one is aiming.. you have to practice a little bit.. and dont need the gun for that... choose a point in the wall and point with your finger, you could see 2 target then close your weak eye and see if your finger keep aiming the point...
I sometimes close my weak eye because I have to shoot from cover or in a uncomfortable position where it is hard to me keep both eyes open..
Both eyes closed :p

It depends on how I am shooting.

CCW/Defensive both eyes open/point shooting

Uspsa it depends on the setup but usually left eye squinted/slightly closed.

Bullseye/accuracy left eye closed
both eyes open

I have a small stigmatism and shoot with eye glasses as well.

i always do both eyes open. With a little practice and letting your brain settle you can get your sites to be in focus and the target to be focus at the same time. I figured this out after having trouble focusing my dominant eye, which has the stigmatism, alone.
I don't have a very dominate eye, I can't use sights with both eyes open.
I can point shoot fine with both eyes. With my training as it is I use both eyes for target aqusition and if distance is such that I need to focus on sights I close one eye. now the tricky part is if I shoot weak hand (lefty) I automaticly close my right eye. it comes from years of shooting shotguns off both shoulders.