How do you prep a gun for long-term storage?


New member
Can someone give me some insight into storing a gun? Do I oil it heavily, etc...
I don't have a safe or anything. The gun's foam-lined box will the the container.
Where will it be stored? How long? Is it a dry location with constent temps?? Rifle/handgun?? Wood stock or "plastic" When you plan to use it again will you have the time and place to clean it up first or do you want it ready to go?? Just a few questions off the top.
One I can say no matter what is DON'T handle the metal with bare hands after cleaning. The acid in your hands will mark everywhere you touch. Can you say RUST??
(felt I had to add that or someone would say I ment fingerprints.)
I ultrasonically clean my guns then apply a light coat of TETRA GUN OIL, including the bore then I place it in a sealed BIANCHI BLUE BAG.(shelf life 3 years and replaced free!) This has worked well for me over the years.
Glock 22 in an aftermarket foam-lined case. Location is dry with a consistant temp of about 75 degrees. I'll store it for about 7-8 months.
Should I disassemble the gun?
I have stored blued and stainless handguns for upwards of 10 years in a safe deposit box with no problems. After I clean them before storing, I leave a little (very little) oil in the barrel and on other internal parts.I do not disassemble the guns but I do wipe all exterior surfaces with a silicone rag and wrap them completely in another silicone rag and then place them in paper bags.
Before I used this method, I sprayed them with WD-40 (a lot) and sealed them in ziplock bags. No rust but you wouldn't believe what WD-40 turns into after about a year. What a mess. Don't do that.
I have used those Bianchi blue bags also and had good luck with them although I haven't seen them for sale for a long time. Can you still get them?

[This message has been edited by bubbaturbo (edited January 04, 2000).]
Be aware that the plastic foam in most cases seems to degrade after about 20 odd years and will pit your gun.

I am one of several Automag (the original big autoloader) owners who has mild pitting on my gun because of storage in the foam case.

I would (and do) use hoppes #9 oil and the blue bags mentioned for long term storage.

Good luck
You could put it in a heavy ga plastic bag all greased up and use one of those food preserver things to suck out all the air and then heat seal the seam. No way rust can form then. No O2 to promote the formation of iron oxide.