JNewell: You're not using a phospher-bronze brush with those copper-eating products are you? Use a stainless steel brush or else the copper from the brush will get deposited inside your barrel.
(1) I use a Q-tip to "scrub" MPro7 into the bore, and set the barrel aside. I use the gel MPro7, not the liquid.
(2) I take the frame and a toothbrush with a tiny bit of Hoppe's Semi-Auto #9, turn the frame upside down and scrub with the Hoppe's. I set the frame aside, upside-down, so the solvent doesn't drip down where I don't want it.
(3) I use brake cleaner to flush out the filthy toothbrush, and rub the brush off on a rag or towel. (If you spray the brush inside a jar, you can reuse the brake cleaner to clean brushes. The gunk settles to the bottom.) (WEAR EYE PROTECTION--I got brake cleaner in my eyes once and believe me, you don't want that.) I use the cleaned brush on the upside-down frame to get rid of the Hoppe's and more gunk. I set the frame aside, upside down.
(4) I flush out the tooth brush again, and put a little CLP on. Then I use the brush on the upside down frame; it usually comes out clean.
(5) I repeat this process on the slide, holding it and setting it down "muzzle down," so nothing drips into the firing pin channel. I detail clean the breechface and extractor with Hoppe's and a Q-tip.
(6) When the frame and slide have been cleaned, I patch out the Mpro7 in the bore, apply more MPro7 to a bronze brush and scrub the barrel good (20-50x). I patch out the MPro7, flush out the bronze brush. I dip the clean brush in Hoppe's Semi-Auto #9 and scrub the barrel again, more or less depending on how much gunk remains. Then dry patch--wet(Hoppe's) patch--dry patch--apply gun oil with mop.
(7) Gun is now clean. If necessary or desired, lubricate inside surfaces (except the bore) with Q-tip and CLP, detail cleaning as you go. Apply Lubriplate grease sparingly wherever slide touches frame and reassemble. Rub Breakfree LP (not CLP) on all exterior surfaces.
Comments are welcome on my procedure. It's quicker than it may sound. YMMV.
[This message has been edited by Ledbetter (edited June 14, 2000).]