How do you clean a bore snake?


New member
I clean my guns regularly. However, when I shoot at the range I typically put some MPro 7 on my bore snake and run it thru the barrel a few times. It is pretty dirty and I want to know the best way to clean it.
I'm pretty sure they are machine washable, but good ol' hot soapy water will do the trick.

IMHO, those snakes are only good for BP rifles. A buddy of mine uses them on all his guns and convinced me to buy one; after pulling the bore snake through my 308 barrel twice (nice and slow), I ran a patch down the bore- it looked just as black as if I hadn't used the snake. (Yes, I had cleaned on the snake)
Thanks for the replies. I will wash it in a sock with my cleaning rags and see how that does. I don't substitute this for a thorough cleaning but just to clean the bore and feeding ramp of my pistols right after shooting.