How do you carry your spare ammo?


New member
I sometimes carry a Taurus .38.

When I carry spare ammo, I carry it in a black nylon belt slide, which I usually put in my pocket rather than on my belt.
I've seen pictures of Bianchi speed strips in little pocket holsters, which seems like a better idea than what I'm doing, since the cartridges would not be as exposed. I have a speed loader for my full-size Ruger, but I don't think a speed loader for CCW would work very well, even if I could find one for the Taurus.

Any better ideas?
An HKS speedloader, #36 will work for a Taurus M-85, if that is the revolver you are referring to.

Concealing it is another story. Maybe slip it in your pocket? I haven't been able to find any speed strips locally, so I have no experience with them.

The same speadloader will work for a S.&W. M-60, if anyone is curious.
Yes, if you have a 5-shot, the loader will fit in the watch pocket of your jeans, or unobtrusively in the front pocket of your slacks or shorts. Speed Strips are even easier(to carry).
I have been carrying a Taurus Model 85 2 inch 38 with ported barrel and shaved hammer for a few months. I love this little gun and am so glad I went with this one and not the titanium, I like the extra weight. I carry a Bianchi speed strip for it in my left front pocket when wearing slacks, and right rear in jeans. Hardly feel like I have a gun, let alone extra ammo. Besides speed strips are only five dollars and change, and my local wally world carries them.
speedloaders for matches. speed strips for carry. should practice a lot with strips to get the reload time down.

I wish they would make speed strips sized for 44mags ... I use a pouch for now. Elastic wrist straps aren't comfortable. Loops on the belt aren't PC. I have thought about picking up a mag for a Magnum Research Desert Eagle. What do you think?
FYI Milt Sparks makes a pouch for holding speed strips.

Also Ayoob's company sells a wire type speedloader holder, can't remember who makes it, that puts speedloader on the top of a belt. 3 Rounds sit on the inside of the belt and 3 on the out side, kinda like sitting on a fence.

Personally unless I have a NY reload I would want speedloaders for CCW, IMHO if you can hide a revolver you can hide a speedloader (or two) to go with it.
Graham makes a great little speed strip pouch, too.

Revolver spare ammo

Safariland makes the little spring steel speedloader holder you describe. Okay for under a jacket or vest, but a little obvious if you're packing concealed. I have a couple of these, but the speedloaders tend to pop out, if you're not VERY careful. Safariland makes a similar item for holding autopistol magazines, which works much better.

I like the Bainchi Speedstrip in right hip pocket. Yeah, I wish they'd make 'em for .45 Colt ammo.

Long, long ago, in a glalxy far, far away, I carried a S&W Model 25, cut to 4". Primary reload was a handmade dump pouch holdin two half moon clips. Secondary was a .45 auto magazine, and I could thumb the loads out of it into the chambers pretty rapidly. Of course, extraction was a little slow, but that was my end game move, anyway. Many years later, I noted that a couple of the guys carrying custom single actions in .45 ACP use thie auto magazine as a primary reload.
