I carry my Smith Model 36 snub OTB in a Bianchi holster - I think it's a model 75 (?). It has a thumb release and holds it tight to the body - carried on my right side towards my back. I really like the holster of all that I tried. I also carry a single "dump pouch" with six spare cartridges just in front of the holster OTB.
I tried carrying in the waist band and just wasn't comfortable with it. I have some arthritis in my arms and shoulders and the Bianchi I'm using seems to work the best as far as access and being able to draw. I'm retired so when I carry, I'm usually "dressed down" - i.e. casual, blue jeans and if in warm weather, the shirt tail is out. If cooler, a sweater or sweatshirt covers or a jacket.
I do leather work as a hobby but for what I bought the Bianchi for, I couldn't set up and make it 0 it was just easier to purchase it. I am considering making a shoulder holster to wear with jacket though.