How Do U Melt/Radical Dehorn 1911?


New member
From the pictures in the magazines, Jim Clark and Kimber have a very good method for "melting" thier 1911's. Does anyone know how they get such a uniform and symetrical job on them? I'll be starting w/ a Caspian slide and Al grip frame, from the ground up.
Equalizer, theirs is done by machine I'm sure. You can get the same effect with a polishing wheel and 140grit compound. I don't do the melting type of dehorning. When I dehorn a pistol I simply polish without avoiding the very things we try to avoid when refinishing a gun. You just round off all the sharp edges. George
I've heard (unconfirmed) that Kimber uses a machine that performs something like polishing brass in a tumbler. I have no idea how they would do that, but I'm pretty sure George is correct about them using a machine to do it.
DMSC: It is my understanding that Kimber uses a hand-held grinder first, then places the parts in an industrial-size tumbler to deburr and polish what is left of the edges.
George, guys,

Thank you very much for the info. I'm afraid to jump into the project w/my rotory tool (high speed dremel type), file, and abrasives on my new parts; to get the very soft "melt" that I'm looking for. That is how I "thought" that I might do it, (w/out jigs), originally. Then remove all scratches w/fine polish, reliability test, and have it plated. I'll take your advice and just use a polish wheel and 140 compound. I'll be a very happy camper if this is all it takes.

George, although I plan to practice on some square stock first, do you think that it is very difficult to get a uniform melt with your method? Any particular details are welcome.

Also, is there any benefit to using any particular sized wheel? Should it be sewn cloth, or hard felt?
Equalizer, you will be able to do is after some practice. You might consider an item from Gun Parts Corporation. They have some old cut up slides that would be perfect for you to practice on. Part # CLP-SP-1083 on page 282 of catalogue 21; $7.95 ea. I would get two or three of them to practice on before I tried the "real" slide. For this I would use the stitched muslin wheels. I think they are a little more forgiving than felt. Also the felt wheels take more preparation and really need an experienced hand when using. Another thing to keep in mind. I did a dehorn on a Colt Defender a few months ago. Sent it off to have it chromed and it came back with all the rounded corners and edges looking as if I hadn't touched it. Be sure to tell whoever does the finish that you want to keep the rounded areas round. George
it might be overkill but if you had a CNC machine and it knew the shape of the gun
couldn't it round the edges and get precise uniform output?

prolly need a program for each manufacturers piece.


will you stand with me in DC on 10-2-99?

Thank you very much. I will take your advise. Glad to know that there is some good priced scrap slides to practice on. Can't do any better than that.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)