How do I...


New member
...access another member's profile? Neal has asked me to e-mail him and I'm not computer literatie enough to know where or how to find it.
See the icon that looks like a "letter" across from his/your/my name? Click it and the profile will come up. It should be the first one from the left looking at the screen. If his e-mail is listed it will be the middle icon and the last will be the edit icon. :D

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

Thanks for the help. Actually, I'm so klutzy with these things, I meant to post this in the "Suggestions, Questions..." section and missed. Luckily I generally shoot better than I type.
Hell, Rod, if I shot as poorly as I typed, I'd be afraid to stand next to me!! :) :) :)

Regards - AZFred