How do I remove this forend nut?


New member
It's recessed with threads for the longer handguard part. Which prevents my armors tool from reaching.

Looks like a nut for a free-float handguard. Is it just round and possibly knurled (checkered)? If it is, you'll need a strap wrench.
its a free float nut. I ended up cutting it an smashing the overhang off with a hammer so my AR wrench could reach the holes... :o The amount of force broke 2 strap wrenches and the strain on the upper was making me uncomfortable. I figured I would cut my losses I doubt ill be re using it.

I got on the new rail just trying it for fit nothing tightened down and it is just tossed on my mule lower. Snapped a picture for you guys. The weight of this thing is unnerving. It almost feels unnatural. Even if it is 'just' a .22LR:D
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Fellas, if they could assemble it with out hammehammering and breaking parts, then it can be removed without hammering and breaking parts, just need proper tools...just saying......
Oh no doubt. Problem is I have no idea where to buy said tool and I was on a time table. After I removed the over hang ( I cut a notch in it and tapped it with the hammer to bend and break off the alum) and was able to reach the standard ar wrench in there it came off easily. I'm assuming there's some AR tool with longer pins to reach all the way back in there. But I couldn't source one locally and didn't have the time to wait for one online.

It's unfortunate to ruin perfectly good parts but this time it was worth it to me in this case.


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