How do I make my black rifle legal in California without registering it?

After January the first, I had to send my SR-25 Stoner to my brother out of State for him to keep it. This is insanity....I wanted to clean it a few days ago, and I had to be sure to shut all my drapes and close my house up like a cave for fear that a neighbor would see my gun and report me like I am living in the Soviet Union or something. I felt like a....criminal. So, I shipped it off to my brother out of State so some stormtroopers don't kick down my door and shoot me with full auto weapons because I own a black rifle. But, I want my gun back, so what can I do wo make my custom .308 precision rifle legal?

The option of registering my SR-25 Stoner is NOT an option, period. They can
stick their registration up their ass, especially since they are now
confiscating SKS's that people legally registered a few years ago.

As of now, my SR-25 Stoner will be kept out of State. But, I am trying to
figure out a way that I can have my beloved Stoner .308 precision rifle in
California without registering it. All I want to do is take it to the range and
shoot paper targets with it, as it is a precision rifle I bought for hunting for
cripes sake.

The problem is, I do not understand the law so I do not understand how to
make my Stoner legal. What if I take the handle off of it or something and just
shoot it without the handle, like a regular rifle?
For those that are not familiar, a SR-25 Stoner appears, to the common ignoramous, to be a standard "AR15 assault rifle", but it is far from that. It has all the features of a Colt Sporter and therefore is considered an "assault weapon" under the guidelines that outlaw all black scary-looking rifles. It is a $3000 precision target rifle that just happens to be black, semi-automatic, and look like an "assault rifle". I don't think anyone has ever used one in a crime, except maybe for our government who seems to kill a lot of innocent people lately with their "assualt rifles", and are the only ones that can afford to use a $3000 rifle for criminal behavior.
You could refinish it in pale yellow - that wont scare anyone...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
At this point in time, I don't think you're gonna get a straight answer. A company called "Gun Compliant Stocks" has an AR-style stock that recieved BATF approval as a non-pistol grip/non-thumbhole stock that "should" comply with the new CA legislation. Now, BATF approval doesn't mean anything for these new laws since they are at the State level and rely on the DOJ to determine how to interpret and enforce it. To make things worse, DOJ seems to have determined that a "pistol-grip" is any rifle stock that extends, even partly, below the imaginary line paralel to the barrel and level with the TOP of the trigger. This would make ALL semi-auto rifles with a detachable magazine be considered "Assault weapons". Top that with the fact that the NRA and CRPA have filed a law suit to block this new legislation, and Gov Davis, AG Lockyer, and the Asst AG, are all defendant under yet another suit alleging that they are not legally "in office" since they failed to file their oaths of office within the prescibed time frame, rendering ALL actions (including laws) during that time null and void. I agree with your sentiments on registration, but I don't think it will come to that. We still have some time to figure this all out. Hold tight, and do whatever you can to let the lawmakers know what a huge mistake they have made. Join the NRA if you haven't already. Join GOA, CRPA, JPFO, and any others you can think of. Vote for those who will protect our rights and freedoms. Make an effort to introduce a least 1 new person to the joy of shooting, try for 1 a month. We need to help people get over the fear of "those gun nuts" and realize that it's a wonderful sport/hobbie full of highly intelligent, responsible, "normal" folks. There is still hope for CA, but only if you are willing to work for it.
There's another proposed bill that would make any gun with a detachable magazine an "assault rifle." Not to mention that the AG hasn't ruled, definatively, on whether altering the P-grip will take it out of the AW category. The deluge isn't going to stop and there will be no appeasement.
John and Destructo have pretty much covered one can see anything right now for the fog; and its going to be tied up in the courts and BS legal dancing by DOJ for months.
Best you let the Stoner stay at bro's for the meantime. Remember, that any official knowledge of your rifle, is de facto registration. If you took it to the range and some LEO questions you, info will be recorded, the rifle may be temporarily be seized if it looks "evil" enough.
Understand...even this confused time is a win-win for the anti's...they can dawdle for months in this nebulous legal fog and they win.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
The question is:
"How do I make my black rifle legal in California without registering it?"

Please do not think I'm being condescending or insulting. What I see in California terrifies me because I know government control can spread quickly throughout America.

I only know of two ways (at the moment) to make your rifle legal in California:

1) Get enough gun owners to vote to replace your elitist California government.

2) Get enough gun owners to vote to replace our elitist National government.

So how do we get it done?

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!