How do I legally obtain a supressor?


This is my first post on this forum. I have been reading several on this site and figured this would be a good place to ask this type of class 3 question.

I guess the title says it all. But more to the point....

I would like to get a supressor for an H&K Tactical USP. Just another toy in the bottomless box. I have heard so many conflicting stories ranging from "just go and get it and pay the $200" to "you can get one but can't posess it on your person". Also I have heard it must be registered with the pistol and the two are then mated for life, can't sell one without the other and can't use it on another .45.

What's the REAL answer?
Here are a couple of sites that will answer most of your questions regarding purchasing and using a suppressor:
Just so you are aware, suppressed 45 ACP pistols are not Hollywood quiet -- if you have not actually heard a 45 ACP suppressed pistol, do youself a favor and ask your dealer for a demo. All of the 45 ACP pistol suppressors that I am aware of are "wet" suppressors and use coolants (grease usually) to achieve their rated suppression. With the coolant, they are reasonably quiet, but still a lot louder sounding than a suppressed .22lr.
A muzzle (threaded) suppressor is not married to the gun -- you can use it on any appropriate gun that is threaded to match the suppressor. The tax stamp (Form 4 with stamp) is for the suppressor only unless you are talking about an integral suppressor. I am not aware of any integral 45 ACP pistol suppressors, although there are integral 45 ACP rifle suppressors like my Camp45 that was suppressed by Doug Melton of SRT Arms Integral rifle suppressors like the Camp45 are dry suppressors and are actually reasonably quiet. Let us know how your search and selection work out.

Make sure they are legal in your state.

They are NOT mated to a specific firearm unless they are permanently part of the firearm (eg, integrally suppressed 10/22). I recommend AGAINST this method for that reason.

Fill out a Form 4, which includes getting either a CLEO signature or going the corporate route, send it in with $200 and then wait.

Reportedly the old Maxim silencer (that was the term used) reduced the sound of even a Model 1903 rifle to the noise of the firing pin, but none of the suppressors I have used lately are anywhere near that effective. At the most, they reduce the sound enough that it does not sound like a shot, but that is a long way from the Hollywood movie version (which is a fake anyway).

I don't think that's possible without subsonic ammo.

The best analogy I've come up with to describe the sound of a supersonic, suppressed, report is to imagine the sound of plunging a knife into a car tire.
is there any legal way to produce your own silencers for personal use, and not sale?

i have been looking at prices of them, and it is something that i can really afford, but it is something that i am capablel of building on my own.

i have a pretty good feeling something like this is highly illeagle due to the fact that it can't be tracked as easily.