How do I get the message across

Wild Child

New member
Hi guys. I've been lurking here for a few months but now I feel that it is time to get involved. I was listing to on my favorite radio shows this morning when the subject of gun control came up. You can listen to the segment at "". As a person of African-American ancestry I think that it is time for someone to show that not all black people think that the government is here to support and protect me. Until I started looking at all the facts I to blindly believed every thing the media told me(they and the government are not my friend). Thankfully I woke up. Now I wish to open the eyes of others. I made the choices that I made because my parents taught me that I should never have to depend on anyone for support or defense. Yet many of my brethren (black and white) seem to have failed at that lesson. So I guess I am asking you guy/gals for help in drafting a suitable reply to the above broadcast. Iwoud like to specifically focus on the racist roots of gun control.
Wild Child, welcome to our group. I hope that we can be of assistance.

As to the back ground of gun control laws, I suggest that you go to:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership have several booklets regarding the history of gun laws here and abroad. They are not expensive, are in a comic book form but contain references to support the points being presented.

Stick around, all are welcome here, if they are willing to listen and learn.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 16, 1999).]
Welcome, Wild Child.

A good reply to the tripe spewed by the antis would be to point out that gun control in the US has its roots in racism: the first laws were passed after the Civil (sic) War and were intended to disarm the freedmen. Didn't quite work that way.

In a nutshell, and explained in detail by JPFO, gun control is implemented prior to genocide. Not every confiscation leads to wholesale slaughter, but every slaughter has been preceded by confiscation.

JPFO has most of the info to get you started. The more you research, though, the more anti-gun crap you'll find... so you'll need a strong stomach.

Again, welcome to TFL.

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Good evening, Wild Child, welcome.

A full discussion of the topic would take pages, but here are a few thoughts.

Gun control in this country began as a means of controlling slaves, as in England, where it was used to control the "lower class." The first gun control laws enacted in the U.S. forbade possession of arms by slaves and forbade whites to allow slaves to have arms.

I have had many conversations with white "liberals" on the subject of gun control and they often come up with the need to keep "them" from having guns. When I ask if "they" are criminals, the hemming and hawing begins. The upshot is that the "they" who cannot be allowed guns are the blacks.

One lesson may be learned by reading the history of the Gun Control Act of 1968. Most sources will say that it was passed in response to the killings of Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. This is not true. The law was passed in response to the fear generated in Congress by the riots that followed Dr. King's death. A favorite code phrase at the time among "liberal" Senators and Representatives was that the law would require that the buyer of a gun "come face to face" with the dealer. Can criminal intent or past criminal record be determined from a face? Of course not, but race can.

Now, ironically, the NAACP is suing gun companies because, accoriding to NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, they sell guns in black neighborhoods. According to press reports, Mr. Mfume says the companies should have known there would be no use for guns in black neighborhoods except for crime. I never thought I would hear the president of the NAACP say, in effect, that all blacks (or at least those in the city) are criminals, but that seems to be exactly what he is saying. Incredible. It just goes to show the extent to which black "leaders" have swallowed the "liberal" line, even when it contains a hook that will hurt them.

In addition to the great suggestions already posted, I have always found the fact sheets offered by Gun Owners of America (GOA) to be an asset in educating the ignorant masses.

For future reference, you don't need to be politically correct in here. Most of us are proud to be Americans, complete without hyphenation! You are an American first and foremost. We don't care whether you're black, white, red, yellow, or that funky hippy green.

The distinction of ancestrial background is unnecessary in these discussions. If anything, let us know how you prefer your firearms, blue or stainless steel.
Welcome Wild Child,
The item I'd like to point out is the "Saturday Night Special" scam. The anti's would have you believe that they want them banned because they are cheap, poor quality firearms. But what about the many good, decent people who just happen to be lower income, inner city blacks? They can't afford anything better. Don't they have the right to self defense too? Don't they have to live with high crime rates? Aren't their lives just as valuable as anybody else's?
The antis seem to be saying that unless you can afford to spend several hundred dollars for a good firearm, then you shouldn't be allowed to protect yourself. That sure sounds not only racist, but elitist as well.
Wild Child,

Welcome to the Firing Line.

You, and others, might be interested in the following article on the media's biased reporting on firearms by Thomas Sowell (who BTW is African-American).

Politically incorrect heroism

YOU WOULD THINK that a man who saved three people's lives, at considerable risk to his own, would be recognized as a hero.

But his story would be politically incorrect, so it has received virtually no media attention and his name remains unknown.

It all started when a gunman took three hostages at a San Mateo, California, shooting range. He had left a note announcing his intention to kill hostages and then himself, so this was worse than even the usual hostage situation. At this point an anonymous employee of the shooting range took one of the guns on the premises and shot the gunman, freeing the hostages.

This happened on July 6th, but have you seen the story anywhere? People get more media attention than this for recycling aluminum cans. It is politically incorrect to let it be known that guns in the hands of law-abiding private citizens can save lives as well as cost lives. Yet this has happened any number of times. There have even been cases of a policeman under fire being rescued by a private citizen with a gun. One year, more criminals were reported killed by private citizens than by the police. But it wasn't reported very widely.

People who have been wringing their hands asking, "What can we do to stop shootings at schools?" have apparently not been told that a couple of these shooting were in fact brought to a halt by an armed adult on the scene.

Fox News Network has the slogan, "We report. You Decide." That clearly is not the watchword at most major media outlets. They decide what you ought to believe and then tell you only what they want you to know, so that you will believe it.

The media present gun-control issues solely from the perspective of a battle of the good guys who want to get rid of dangerous weapons versus the National Rifle Association that wants to keep guns around. Most mainstream journalists have an almost total lack of interest in either the facts or the fates of a quarter of a billion Americans who do not belong to either the anti-gun lobby or the NRA.

Every story about a child killed by a gun is front page news. Stories about lives saved by guns are lucky to appear in the second section of the newspaper and can just about forget it as far as appearing on CBS, ABC, NBC or CNN.

Like everything else, guns have pluses and minuses. Accidental deaths have to be weighed in the balance against the lives saved both by armed interventions and by the deterrence created when an intended victim turns out to have a gun. Just the knowledge that many citizens in a particular community are authorized to carry concealed weapons takes a lot of the fun out of being a burglar or a mugger.

It is a matter of plain fact-- no matter how much these facts are ignored in the media-- that violent crimes have declined immediately and dramatically in virtually every case where local gun-control laws were modified to allow law- abiding citizens to readily obtain permits to carry concealed weapons. The statistics are available in a book titled "More Guns, Less Crime," written by John Lott, who teaches at the University of Chicago Law School.

This book is the most massive and careful study of the subject ever written-- but it remains as unknown in the media as the hero who saved three lives in San Mateo. Both the book and the California hero are politically incorrect, so the mainstream media treat both as if they were non-existent. The issue is not one of fairness. The issue is one of life and death. If you are not going to be serious about life and death, when are you going to be serious? It matters whether more lives will be lost with one policy than with another. It matters far more than the anti-gun lobby or the NRA matter.

If the media will report, we the citizens and voters can decide. But the media remain wedded to one side of this issue-- the gun-control side-- and wedded still more so to presenting news as one interest group versus another, rather than informing the public about the facts, regardless of which side it helps or hurts.

Blind opposition to guns in anybody's hands reached a new level of irresponsibility in San Francisco recently, when the school board declared that policemen who come on school grounds should not be armed. Fortunately, outcries from both the public and city officials forced this silly policy to be repealed. What will it take to bring some sense of responsibility to the media?

[This message has been edited by JBP (edited July 16, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by JBP (edited July 16, 1999).]
Welcome fellow gunner! Another good source is the law review articles at http:\\ They have a couple of excellent papers on this subject.

Welcome W.C.
Your being shown the correct path here.

But the question is - How soon can I talk you into getting an HK?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Glad to hear you don't buy into 'Plantation Socialism,' which assumes that black folks can't do anything for themselves and white liberals, out of noblese oblige, need to help them out by putting them on the dole.

Of the approximately 6000+ documented cases of lynchings since Reconstruction, I wonder how many would have still occurred had the victims been armed. Same with Rosewood(?), FL.

I thought I had a good grasp on history and how the events in my lifetime caused me to veer to the right. Then I read Unintended Consequences by John Ross. Even though it's fiction, it brought a lot of things together and gave me a good deal of background information that might help you. I never realized that the roots of gun control come from trying to ensure that the freed blacks were not an armed threat.

ubi ignes est?

[This message has been edited by geneb (edited July 17, 1999).]
I seem to recall that down in the Carolinas some years ago, some fine Southern gentlemen tired of beating up blacks and decided to don their sheets (oops, robes) and take on the Lumbee Indians... er, Native Americans. The Lumbees, not being told by their "leaders" that minorities should not have guns, did. I think this was the origin of the term "white flight".

Before I was born, the KKK, then (and now?) anti-Catholic as well as anti-black, decided to charter a train in Pittsburgh and invade our almost all-Catholic town in the PA hills. They had guns. Since Sarah Brady was not with them, the townspeople had guns too. 2 Klansmen dead, four wounded, one local slightly wounded.

The guys from the city never came around again to enjoy our mountain air. Can't imagine why. Maybe they are waiting for their buddies Bill and Sarah to disarm the other guys.

Not anti-Catholic anymore. They elected a Catholic from CT(?) as High exalted chrysler imperial grand wizard bedwetter about ten years ago.