How do I find a 2nd amendment lawyer?


New member
The thread (doesn't this make you want to kill someone) inpired me to find a lawyer in case I need defense for an illegal search or possible self defense use of my gun.
What do I look for?
Any resources that will help my search?
I live in South Georgia and the phone book is full of ambulance chasers.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
Ask your dealer. They should know of a few.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart

Try - it is a search engine for the ABA lawyer database. You can search by state and type of practice. I searched for constitutional lawyers in the state of Georgia and found more than one hundred. Good luck.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...
I, too, am looking to put an Attorney (notice how when they are on your side they are refered to as Attorney but the other guy has (the "nicest" term) a Lawyer?) on retainer... just in case.

Some here, some time, I remember a place that keeps a listing of Attorneys that are versed in the 2d Amendment/Gun Laws by State. Don't remember if it was the Second Amendment Foundation or someone/place like that.

Anyone (besides me) every hear of such?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Check with the NRA Legal Defense Fund. They have a data base of lawyers who will take firearms cases.

IMHO, if you are a dealer, if you are going to carry a gun with a CCW license, if you think there is more than a possibility you might have to defend your home or yourself, find a good lawyer, put him/her on retainer, and make sure he/she will be available when needed. If you are arrested, the best suggestion I can make is to shut the hell up. More people have gone to jail for talking too much than for any other reason.

By the way, Rodrigo, a Constitutional lawyer might well consider the Second Amendment a joke and want to hang everyone who ever owned a gun. Some lawyers have odd ideas about what parts of the Constitution they choose not to understand.

FORGET THE nra! I asked their lawyer referral --fortunately I was not in trouble. I got two (2) names. I wrote them both. One did not answer. The other wrote me a polite letter telling me he is retired... I would start with LSAS, Lawyers Second Amendment Society... has their address, I think. Or do a web search.
If you live in So. California try There are a number of gun law guys in this state...and boy, howdy are they gonna be busy next year!

Safe shooting - PKAY
Just fired off a e-mail to LSAS explaining that I would like to put a pro Second Ammendment Attorney on retainer and asking if they have a referral service.

I'll let y'all know if/what I receive back.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Thanks guys. It looks like I'm not alone in my search. I have very little experience dealing with lawyers. What do I need to do to have a lawyer that I can call when I get threatoned with an illegal search or get in gun related trouble. One of you mentioned a retainer. Does this cost money?

Still looking for a good source on this type of Lawyer.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
First, ambulance chasers are not what you are looking for. Those are personal injury lawyers and you need a criminal lawyer with a constitutional research background. Contact the trial lawyers association, these guys actually argue cases before a judge, for references. Call these guys on the phone and interview them, they are going to become your employee. Ask if they are familiar with second amendment rulings, your state firearms laws, self defense laws, have they ever defended innocent people, are they gun owners, are they NRA members. Once you have decided on one, find a backup. Get business cards from both, put them in your wallet, car, at each phone in your house, and give sets to your best friends. Ask them what to do if you are ever arrested and DO IT!! If you can't get ahold of your attorney call all the friends and have all of them call him until he shows up at the jail. I have a friend whose attorney beat him to the booking area when he was arrested. The look on the officers face was priceless when the attorney was there before the mug shots were taken.

The American Self Defense Institute has a legal referral program as part of their membership bennies.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited July 14, 1999).]
leedesert, a retainer not only costs money, it essentially is the money. A retainer is the fee you would pay up front to an attorney to assure that he / she is on call when you need them.

Now, having said that, after dealing with many attorneys for many years, I have yet to 'put one on retainer'. We always have formed a relationship, and just pay the bills when they roll in.

I suggest you do what is suggested above, find the attorney you want on your side, have lunch / dinner and discuss the potential relationship, and ask them what retainer they might require to be there when you need them. I'd be surprised if it exceeds $500 for most, since it would usually be 'found money', unless you have a proclivity to spend time in 'the system'. ;) I suspect many honest attorneys will just tell you to keep their card, and call if you get into a jam.

And, BTW, you're looking for a sharp criminal defense attorney, who is knowledgeable about firearms. Civil cases are less 'time-sensitive', and would usually require different skills / background.

Good luck.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 14, 1999).]
Great topic, thanks leedesert.

I've been thinking about doing this myself, and this is just the thing I needed.

This thread is bookmarked.

This from one of Mas Ayoob's columns:
Second Amendment Attorney Referal Service:

I have this card in my Rolodex, with instructions given to my wife if I'm ever in any legal trouble concerning guns, she's to call them. I think that given the current climate, I should revise that. I'll call now, get some names, interview, and pick one or two or three. Backups never hurt. Also, it's better to already be a known to your attorney than a POTENTIAL new client who's in trouble.

If an attorney feels that you're good for the $$, that can constitute a retainer. If you find one like this, and want to make it 100% legal, give him $1.00, and he's officially on retainer. My dad, his sister, her husband, their 2 sons, and both Grandads were attornies. All my dad's buddies were attornies. I speak from some experience.

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited July 14, 1999).]
Jim Keenan:

I agree with you completely. A lawyer might well be in constitutional practice and be an enemy of RKBA. I should have made that point in my reply.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...