How Do I Convert My ____________ To Full Auto Q's.


New member
Sorry title should have been How Do I Convert My ____________ To Full Auto Q's.

I am not sure why (other than some idiot may want to really make their own FA) questions of this nature are so taboo.

I can understand most of those who are very knowledgable on this subject would not want to be involved in helping some bonehead commit a crime but it sort of seems like we consider these people criminals before they have ever commited a crime? Kind of like gun registry.

Why does it have to raise "Red Flags"? I think some folks are just curious. Sort of like a book I had when I was a kid, "The Anarchists Cookbook". I was fascinated to learn how to make smoke bombs (among other things). Never committed a crime or killed anyone with that knowledge. :)

I wonder, are our own taboos just validating the anti-gun crowds fear of guns in some way?
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Because most gun folks are law abiding citizens and would not want to be associated in ANY shape, form, or fashion with the few felonious idiots that would misuse the information they obtained from those discussions. To me, it's not taboo to talk about it, it's just plain ignorant and irresponsible to lay that kind of information out in a public forum. The information would be illegal to use so why is there a need to discuss it unless you intend to use it illegally? I don't get where you're trying to go with this...
I wonder, are our own taboos just validating the anti-gun crowds fear of guns in some way?
No, because inevitably someone with the IQ of a turnip will take the info posted and modify their rifle. Then said idiot will get caught with the rifle and then the media will have a field day with it. This will give the anti-gun crowd more of a reason to scream for banishment of guns.
Rainbow Six and mxwelch, thanks for your response.

You know I feel like an idiot. I got up from writing in the middle of my post and forgot what it's title was. I meant to change the title.

I suppose it would be irresponsible to post such information just for the reason that some folks would find it a "neat to know" type of thing but others may actually do it. Which honestly doesn't really bother me that much. I think any infringement on the right to keep and bear arms is in itself is illegal. But I am just a lowly citizen...

Anyway, I suppose what would bother me is if someone got the info that I had posted and used it for evil purposes. But then again were not talking rocket science here. Anyone who has a will to make a machine gun can and would not need our help to do it.

Where am I going with this? I guess I was hoping for a conversation on whethor or not we are over-inflating our role in this matter. Shouldn't those who take part in an illegal act take sole responsibility for their actions or should we give up our freedoms (of speech on topics legal or not) out of fear others may strip us of more rights?

No, because inevitably someone with the IQ of a turnip will take the info posted and modify their rifle. Then said idiot will get caught with the rifle and then the media will have a field day with it. This will give the anti-gun crowd more of a reason to scream for banishment of guns.

Sadly, given the anti-gun mentality, your probly right.
I'm here.

Your friendly neighborhood Staffer is not ignoring the conversation - - I just don't have much to contribute that I haven't written in the past couple of weeks.

9mm_prn Would you like the title of your thread to be changed over to How Do I Convert My ____________ To Full Auto Q's.? Or to something else?

I think some folks get upset because it is usually a one-post wonder who does it...

I suspect it is someone from F-Troop seeing if he can rustle up someone here to pony up the info so he can raise his arrest numbers. He just changes his boloney email address each time he does it and registers as a new member.

Stupid F-Troop...:p
Although I wouldn't recommend it, because just looking at that info on the internet will definately get you red flagged, and I doubt anyone on this board will post how even if they knew, there is definately info on the internet. If there are websites on how to build an atomic bomb, I'm sure you can find one on machine guns.
Johnny guest I'd sure appreciate it. And I'll take the time to read some more of your posts. Maybe I should have done that before staring this discussion.

Redhawk, What is F troop?