How do I ask for the high-capacity license?


New member
I recently finished the handgun training course offered by my local police department and sponsored by the only gun shop in town.Now I need to apply for the license itself. I Massachusetts they have two levels of pistol permits. The lower class license is for target and hunting and only allows magazines with nine round capacity or less. You cannot carry concealed with this license. I want the license to carry concealed which also allows for high capacity magazines. My uncle is going to give me a high capacity glock so I need the higher class license.
The cops don't just give these licenses away. I have no criminal record and have never been in any trouble.
My question is: What do I tell the police to convince them that I want the high level license, allowing me concealment and high capacity firearms?
Ask your local P.D for the class A LTC(high cap.) and as long as your record is clean you shouldn't be denied. The only catch is the 'reason issued' on the license. Most local PD's will only issue for sporting, target, hunting, etc.. Which means that carrying concealed is not allowed. Ask "ALL LAWFUL PURPOSES" as your reason for carry or let them know its for self defence and you should be all set for concealed carry. Not very hard to get CCW in MA if your patient. Me and my brother had our LTC's issued for "ALP"(got mine last september) and police were more than happy to help us with the whole process.
I also agree with Dark Advenger's advice. Check out the GOAL website, very informative.
Jeepster if they ask you for a reason I wrote my chief in Quincy MA a letter stating that I wanted a "class a ltc for all lawful purposes" and that was good enough. Good luck By the way are you getting itchy for the Stripers yet??? I know I am.
Please join GOAL if you are not a member already. Under the current system the local chief of police has most of the say. Some issue Class A/ALP as a matter of course, some will not issue a ALP for any reason. Your recourse is a court appeal ($100 filing fee) but I have yet to hear of someone who has won, as the judge is reluctant to overturn the chief, in case something happens and the liability will descend on him.

That being said, if you say you own high capacity guns I think that you will recieve a Class A, but that does not mean that the CLEO will not restrict it back down. You have little to lose, and if you happen to have a CLEO that will not issue them, there are no magic words or phrases that will help. Good luck and let us know.
I dunno. Maybe you could show them a copy of a little known document called the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION??!
Good luck
jeepster- It may largely come down to the town you live in. Smaller,more rural towns seem to be more reasonable, possibly because they have less crime.If you are from one of the larger cities, you could have a real problem.Your chief has a lot of discretion and there is little you can do about it.Check with a local gun club.They probably can give you a pretty good idea as to your chances and the appraoch you should take. Good luck.
I really appreciate your answers on this subject. Getting my ltc has been on my mind since I was old enough to hold my first bbgun. My father has a few pistols to hand down to me so hopefully I will be able to carry them now.

Thanks again