How did Romney get his "B" rating from the nra?



That "B" rating seems odd since in this video from two days ago, he says he supports the ban he signed in Mass, the ban Clinton signed, and future bans on a weapon of "extraordinary lethality" or "from time to time a weapon of such lethality" or a weapon of "unusual lethality?"
I think that organizations like the NRA and GOA are prone to overlooking a candidate’s record in order to support the "lesser or two evils" in an election.

NRA supported Romney for MA Governor because the alternative was much worse. NRA overlooked his support for reauthorization of the AWB on that basis.

GOA ignores Ron Paul's vote against the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act on the same basis. They gave Paul an A+ rating.

Sadly, neither Mitt Romney or Ron Paul are particularly strong on protecting our Second Amendment rights.
Sadly, neither Mitt Romney or Ron Paul are particularly strong on protecting our Second Amendment rights.
I don't want this turned into a thread about something OTHER than the title, but Ron Paul has sponsored loads of legislation to repeal every gun ban on the books. You have to be kidding with that statement.
Sadly, neither Mitt Romney or Ron Paul are particularly strong on protecting our Second Amendment rights.


Anyway, this is why I ended my membership. They're going to compromise the 2nd Amendment right out of existence. It's really funny, when people find out I'm into guns, they'll ask if I'm an NRA member. And I say no, because I think the NRA compromises too much. Their eyes practically pop out of their heads :D
It's this simple: They want you to vote for a candidate, they give him a good rating, whether or not his record merits it, because they know you might refuse to vote for him if he had a bad rating. Being a vengeful incumbent who they think might work for gun control out of spite if you got an honest rating, helps, too.

My favorite NRA 'rating', though, had to be the one Dingell got after voting for the '94 'assault weapon' ban: A phone number you could call to hear excuses, instead of a letter grade!
You should call the NRA and ask them why they gave him a "B". People here do not know the rationale the NRA used to come up with that rating.

The truth from a Mass resident. We had a state AWB in Mass since 1994, unlike the Federal ban it did not have a sunset clause. While in office Romney passed an rewrite version of the Mass AWB. What happen in 2004, is the anti's in the state legislature wanted to further the ban with a rewrite of the original ban. They wanted to ban all AWs in the state. Thankfully some pro gun legislators fought them on the bill, and had them remove any language that would have banned more types of AWs. The new bill was a near copy of the orginial ban but the confusing language of the original bill was cleaned up. Romney passed the new bill with fan fair claming it would reduce crime in Mass etc. What he did not mention is this was just a rewrite of the original. I have no idea why he got a B rating from the NRA. I guess he was not as anti-gun as the other Governors including other republicans, in this state.
My favorite NRA 'rating', though, had to be the one Dingell got after voting for the '94 'assault weapon' ban: A phone number you could call to hear excuses, instead of a letter grade!
I would give some serious smilie thumbs up if anyone has an image of NRA giving that rating to Dingell

I wonder if it was like when daddy bush got a good nra rating when he was the only texas congress"man" to vote FOR the massive 1968 gun ban.
Perhaps they are now grading on a ‘bell curve’? It isn’t that Romney is good it’s just that the others are worse? :rolleyes: