how did has the season been so far?

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just wondering how everyone's luck has been going as far a deer hunting? i am just curious also where is everyone from? i am from Bourbon Indiana. i would love to hear some sucess stories just e-mail me or post it here.
I had a great year and shot a big ten pointer if anyone is curious just give me your e-mail address and i will send u a picture
Well, down in the southwest Texas desert, it's been too warm, very dry, and there's a whole new meaning to "dust".

The deer are laid up tighter'n ticks. Even the javelina aren't moving much, except at night.

Lotsa quail, though.
I'm hunting in Central Texas, in the northern part of the Texas Hill Country.

Yep, Tooo Hot, Tooo Dry, and the Dust! It's awfull.

Anyway, so far I've taken a nice 9 point buck, two does, and a turkey with a 10 1/2 inch beard. Things have been generally slower than last year, but I suspect the weather, and increased hunting pressure in our area, are the cause.
Suprisingly, I've been seeing a lot of midday activity, but due to the heat or whatever, I'd be willing to bet I'm the only hunter in the woods for miles during midday. I took my buck at around 2:30-3:00 (when most in my crew are still napping ;)).

All our turkeys are running in groups of Toms. Between 6 of us we've seen 60 or more turkey (I'm sure some were the same birds, but anyway) and not one hen. My brother saw one flock of 17 birds, but most have been 6-10 birds.
I saw 6 different bucks while rifle hunting in Michigan's U.P.. Passed on them all as waiting for the big grandaddy swamp buck to appear. Don't even care if I shoot - just love being out there.
We're now in our muzzleloading season which started today.

I'm sitting here munchin on a hunk of deer jerky. Shot a nice 2 1/2 year old 5x6 whitetail. It was hot and dry here in Nebraska too, record high average temp for the month and many record daily highs, no rain in my area for almost 3 months. Only 3 of the 7 guys in our camp got their deer. Muzzleloader season opens sat. morning, and runs for 2 weeks. I'll be trying for another :)
Miserable for me as far as filling the freezer, but the time spend outdoors is always worth it.

Saw a few does and one buck. A few buddies haven't had much luck either, maybe one smaller doe each.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society
It's been pretty good to me so far. I've taken two does. One with my rifle, the other with my truck. No damage though, thanks the Most Highest.

I've seen numerous other deer that I could have taken but chose not to. All were does with the exception of one buck with his right antler missing. I've limited myself this year in that if it's any smaller than what I already have on the wall, it will walk. The does have walked because I already had meat in the freezer from bow season, and in hopes a buck would be trailing her. So far, no joy.

It's been a hard season, with temperatures dropping and rising as they have. It's also been hard to pattern the deer. The acorn mast here in Georgia has be tremendous which has been keeping the deer from moving far in search of food.

Once the acorns have been mopped up, the deer will begin hitting my food plots. Until then, I'll just be patient and try to remember what that wise-man once said...

Something about, "good things come to those who wait..."...

My only question is, "but for how long?"...

Good day people. :)

Hi, I had to register to send this reply.
I live in Wisconsin and for the gun deer season (opened sat nov 20, closed nov 29) I shot my rifle 3 times. 3 deer down. 1 doe 1 3pt buck and 1 fawn doe. That is the short reply. 1 in the freezer, the rest gone to friends.
The long reply... (sorry, you can skip if you want)
last year I bought a bow. This year we had a baby in July. Good thing I already had the bow. I didn't see much in Jefferson county where I live (about 1 hour east of Madison.) for early bow season, but I went up north near Necedah, WI for gun season on public land. I had a hunters choice permit (in WI a gun license allows you to shoot 1 antlered deer, 3" or longer. A hunters choice allows you to shoot a doe instead in a specified unit) so the first deer that walked by was PROBABLY gonna get it. When she walked up to 40 yards from me I thought hmm, I wonder if she wants to go home with me?? she leaped at the chance, and 1 shot straight thru the heart. she went <20 yards and piled up in my sight. After lunch my friend said if you see a buck shoot him, (party hunting during gun season is legal in WI, under certain rules. e-mail me if you want to know them) so I watched a LOT of hunters walk by me on public land, and the deer they kicked out by me. About 4:05 pm I heard a lot if running deer. One ran past me, but i saw no antlers, but one stopped with just a nose showing from behind a tree. It turns out there were two deer, a buck and a doe, and they ran around near my stand for about 10 minutes, the buck never presented a good shot.. I thought well, he said shoot one, and I hadn't heard him shoot... so I kept watch, when the doe stepped out in the open about 45 yards from me I thought the gig was up, but she stepped across the lane and into the trees. The buck stepped into the lane and I asked him if he wanted to go home with me. He collapsed at the thought. (I also recovered part of my bullet, first time for that) I called my friend over and he tagged the buck. Thus ended the opening day.
We skip to Monday, on private land near Princeton, WI. My father-in-law had a bonus tag, (only antlerless) and said shoot one if you see it.
Well the fog lifted about 7:30 and about 7:50 I saw not one deer but two. I slowly lifted my rifle and watched them come down the path. I thought the first one was pretty small.. but the second one looked bigger. Well after I asked her if she wanted to come home with me the two deer started running, and one stopped in the thick stuff about 25 yards from my treestand. The other one ran out of sight I was pretty sure the deer i shot kept running. Now.... am I looking at the one I shot or the small one? I knew I had registered a good hit, I saw the fur fly on the chest and she picked up her front hoof on the near side before she ran.

So I watch this deer, not sure if it is the one I shot or not, and I wasn't about to shoot a second deer when I wasn't sure about the first. The one I was watching walked off toward my father in law. About 10 minutes later I heard boom..., boom boom boom. I thought oh no, he just shot the little one. so I waited another 20 minutes, then walked to where I shot at the deer, and marked it with a glove. I walked over to my father in law and he was walking toward me, a deer lay directly between us. I asked him if that was the deer he shot and he said "what deer?". He looked all over where he shot at a head and found no blood or hair anywhere.(that little one we think now, it also ran back past me just before I climbed down, so I KNEW it hadn't been hit. We tracked the blood from my marking straight to the deer I found on the ground. a fawn doe.
I hope I didn't go on too long with this, I really was blessed this year, I have been deer hunting for 5 years, and this year is the most I have ever shot. (got 1 spike buck in 95 with a borrowed rifle, 1 fawn buck with my truck. I got 1 fawn doe in 96 (chased her 3 hours, I hit her when she was running, had to follow her forever. decided I wasn't gonna do that no more.) I bought my OWN rifle, a cousin reloads that exact caliber (what... did he influence _MY_ decision? NAHH, I wanted to shoot .30-06!) and reloaded an excellent load right off the bat practiced over 80 rounds to get comfortable BEFORE season, in 97 saw deer, but took 1 shot, clean miss. (wife was really upset with out meat) in 98 asked a spike buck if he wanted to go home with me. He did.
I like deer hunting, my wife said I can go as long as I bring home meat. So I really haven't been hunting a big rack, just meat.
I will try to keep future posts shorter.