How could I convert from fixed to detachable?


New member
I just got an SKS and was wondering how I could convert it from a fixed magazine to one of the detachable genre. Thanks

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Don't. It's prbibly against the law.

With that out of the way,it's tricky. You will need a hammer, a nail-set pin, and a very big vise (10in or more), and a rubber door mat.

Once the gun is unloaded and safe, take off the top cover, bolt, bolt carrier, gas piston, and gas tube. Thenturn it on it's back. Take the nail set pin and put it in the detent in the little rivet behing the trigger guard. Give it a good whack with the hammer. The trigger group will seperat from the barreled action. It looks very scary, but it's ok. The box mag will come out. Now, take the trigger assembly andbut it back in place. IT WILL NOT "CLICK" BACK IN PLACE YET,JUST HOLD IT THERE! Take the rubber door mat and wrap the weapon with it. Put it in the vice and GENTLY tighten it until it clicks. Now put it back together.

Get some poly mags. You will have to "fit" the mags to your gun. Lots of file work. The mags also are not all the reliable.

I have walked this road before you, my son. Do not follow this path. If thou desireith a detachable mag, gettith thee an AK.

Merry Christmas.
Yes. Replacement chinese fixed 20 round ( 19 +1 ) versions used to be available for about $25 pre or just post ban. I still see a few now and then. Have been told they need to be fitted to the individual rifle but are then pretty reliable.

Apparently these are now illegal in Calif. or rather legal only under certain circumstances.

The 20-round fixed Norinco mag I bought for mine, though appearing to be in all respects identical to the stock, was actually unreliable just like the detachables for some reason.
i use the 30 rd usa mags in mine and never had a prob all i had to do was remove the triger group the fixed mag then put the trigger back in from what ive been told my experences with usa mags is an exception but they work for my sks ive got about 6 of them

The advantage of the SKS is that it has a fixed magazine and is fed from stripper clips. Less weight and more handy and because of its short magazine, easier to fire from a prone position.

Suggest you look into the multitude of AKs if you want to use a 5, 10, 20, 30 or 40 round magazine or a 75 round drum.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Zee AK ith veery espensive right now. Cheapeth I see for an Mak-somin was $200. hmmmm

"Those that give up essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.