How can I stop chamber rust?


New member
I have a TTN SxS 12-gauge that I use only for CAS, with Triple 7 loads. The chambers were a little rough when I got it, so I used a Flex-Hone to smooth it up some. I stopped well short of perfection because I believe I would have ended up with a 10-gauge and maybe still not removed the ring around the one chamber.

In any case, both chambers have recently developed a tendency to rust. No matter how well I scrub them with 0000 steel wool and oil to remove the rust, nor how liberally I oil them when I put the gun away afterwards, within a week or so the rust starts back.

Is there any type of chemical treatment I can use to stop this? I have considered painting the chambers with NeutraRust, but don’t know what effect that might have on the steel. I assume the problem may be caused in part by cheap Chinese steel. None of my other guns has ever done this—the repeated rusting, I mean.

Thanks for any suggestions.
That's what I hoped, but I can't quite remove the rust color. I assume I either need to get down to gray metal, or neutralize chemically as I have done on household projects in the past using NeutraRust. I hesitate to use NeutraRust (assuming it is even still available), because as I recall it leaves something like a thin coat of paint. In other applications, I just painted over that coat and the rust was defeated. I can't imagine painting the inside of a gun's chamber.
Ever thought of rebluing the gun?

I know it's a pain but I know that if you use the cold bluing kit by Birchwood Casey & really clean the chambers out good with extra fine steel wool & then blue it like the kit indicates it'll take care of the surface rust since you do oil it any way.
Does cold blueing work if applied to metal that still has a rust-colored tinge? I have spot-blued other guns before, but if the surface wasn't "silver" sometimes the rust would start back again. Successful results seemed to depend on completely removing any trace of rust.

It won't hurt to try. I'll degrease and cold-blue tomorrow.

One thing I had considered was de-blueing and going for the aged look, but I don't know whether vinegar will remove rust.
Try polishing the chambers. That will help close off pores in the metal. If you're getting rust on a patch but can't see it in the chambers it's probably down in tiny pits. Coating chambers with anything like paint will most likely make extraction difficult which I assume is why you were honing them in the first place.
Back to the basics. Look at the way you're cleaning the gun. Even if you're using 777, flush with hot soapy water. Scrub. Flush with boiling hot water. Oil. Store with humidifier rod.