How can I check status of FFL C&R application?


New member
I have applied for a FFL C&R back a few months ago. I am wondering what the wait time for this is? How do I check its status?

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Where did he sign it? That was TOTALLY unnecessary, and might have delayed, or voided the application. The ONLY requirement pertaining to the CLEO is that you NOTIFY him that you sent the application, and you sign the cirtification provided on the application that you did so.
My last renewal a coupleyears ago took almost five months, and my new license wasn't isued until after my old one expired. I haven't heard anything on new licenses, but because ho high volume I have heard delays in things like NFA tax stamps are taking about six months.
They might be able to help here.
Federal Firearms Licensing Center
244 Needy Road
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25405

Voice: (866) 662-2750 (Toll Free)
But I think I would give it some more time.

The above mention about the CLEO was in response to the OP mentioning he had had the CLEO sign the application himself. That detal was for some reason edited out while I posted.
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Yes the CLEO signed it at what seemed an appropriate place. I did sign it where I was supposed to. A detective called me and told me to pick it up. I guess I really messed up here. Oh well. I think you are right, this may delay it. I am just surprised that they did not figure it out themselves. This must of not been their first FFL application. I will call the FFL Center on Monday. Thanks for the telephone number.
The thing that might have messed it up is if he signed it in the space where you are suposed to print, or type his name.
Not sure about your jurisdiction, or other "less 2A friendly" places, but a lot of those copies of form 7CR sent to CLEOs end up in the round filing cabinet.:D
Not sure about your jurisdiction, or other "less 2A friendly" places, but a lot of those copies of form 7CR sent to CLEOs end up in the round filing cabinet.

You bet they do...
I wouldn't be surprised if the copy sent to them for my 07 ended up there too.

Always wondered why ATF requires this be sent to local LE...
Originally, the GCA of 1968 read to the effect that the local LEO had to approve your FFL application, not just be made aware of it to determine if any objections.

The wording was amended for passage, so we've been sending copies of applications ever since. The language was brought forward to the FFL 03 in 1986 when the new collector's license was originated.

So if an LEO doesn't want any FFL holders in his jurisdiction, it requires an affirmative act on his part to object for cause, as opposed to merely doing nothing and thereby failing to approve.
I called the examiner up over several days now. However, I have now finally received my FFL C&R in todays mail! Talk about timing.

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I just renewed mine and it took less than two weeks. I don't believe there is a way to check you status for the C&R license.