How can Colt..............


New member
justify the price of their SAA ? I have a BlackHawk (which I love) and I would also like to own a SAA some day, but why the high price ? What makes a SAA worth 4 times as much as a BlackHawk ?
The fit and finish of the SAA is very nice, much better than a ruger, or any other copy. They are beautiful guns to look at.

The action, though, leaves a lot to be desired. Mine has about a 6 lb trigger, and also has some creep. Yuck.

I have a Uberti replica that has about a 3 lb trigger, totally free of creep, and it will out shoot the Colt anyday.

But, the Colt will always be a Colt, and the Uberti will always be a Uberti.
Simple. The most basic of business principles.
They charge that much because people are willing to pay it. If no one bought them, they would lower the price. If people do buy them, they don't have to. In fact they can keep raising the price as long as people buy.
I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I am the ugliest.
444 that is true, but in the long run Colt priced themselves out of the market.

Sure, they can sell a few SAA every year to die hard enthusiasts willing to shell out big bucks.

But they lost the entire Single Action Revolver market because of it.

Ruger and Uberti, and several others, enjoy their success due to the poor marketing strategies of Colt, in particular the price of the SAA.

If Colt had kept the price of the SAA low enough for the average gun owner to afford, a lot of the competition would never have materialized.

Not many companies can be run as poorly as Colt and remain in business.
One word: LAWYERS

The Colt Model P is priced for the collectors market. The idea being that these old style guns will rarely if ever be shot. The other idea is that only rich men will ever own these guns and thus not likely to be used on the street.

Colt produces the Colt Cowboy, a gun designed by lawyers, for the blue collar, shooting market as it has the transfer bar.
Someday the Colt Cowboy or its equivelent will have a safety built in it, again its those lawyers.

Idealy there would be no litigation against gun manufacturers by anti-second amendment pinko-libs and we could buy the Colt Model P's for $500.