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How 'bout a quote button?

Omega Blood said:
Kind of hard to quote people with out a quote button
Not really :p

It would get out of hand if it were too easy. EVERY post would be quoted. There would be quotes of quotes. Having to do it manually makes you think twice
Avizpls has it exactly correct. As Rich is fond of saying, "More Signal, Less Noise!"

In just about every forum that uses the "quote" function, it is always overdone. Most people won't edit the quote to include only that which is essential to their reply. We end up with much more noise than signal.
What about activating a quote button but (if this is a setting) disabling embedded quotes. IMO that would avoid the confusion i find now because of no quotes and wont clutter up the forum. I think the majority of replies here are just a couple of lines anyway.
Sorry, darkvide, imbedded quotes aren't a setting we can turn on or off. Either there is a quote button with each post or there isn't - there isn't and there won't be.

... avoid the confusion i find now because of no quotes ...
Why do you say there are no quotes? There's literally thousand of quotes on TFL, lookaround.

Copy the text you want to quote, paste it in your reply window where you want it, highlight it and press the quote button ( looks like this:
Identify Innitials

Have posters identify innitials at least once in a post to help us old folks better understand what is being said. LOL, does it mean laugh out loud, lots of luck, or lazy ole louse or maybe something else???????. LEO=leave every thing out, lazy engineering oldster????????
A couple more that weren't listed (Avizpls beat me to it):

AFAICS = As Far As I Can Say
AFAICT = As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIU = As Far As I Understand
BNG or FNG or BFNG = Brand New Guy. The "F" means... Well, you can figure that out!
BTAIM = Be That As It May
IKTAYKT = I Know (Knew) That And You Know (Knew) That
[.] = snip (used to signify that you cut parts of the reply out of the quoted material)

There are several dozen more, most of which originated on old dial-up Listservs and BBS's, then to the Usenet. Finally to the web on Boards such as this. Full circle, as web boards are the exact equivalent to the old BBS's.