How bad is this.....

Rob Pincus

New member
I just told my step son to have his friends bring over notes from their parents saying that it is okay with them if their kids play paintball over here....

This is the first time that I have ever felt compelled to do such a thing.
Smart move least now it won't come back and bite ya. Some guy on the radio was saying paintball contributes to violence...sheesh

"The times are a changing"
Heck, we had a talking head on the radio here equating voters' decisions to vote NO on local school bond issues with the type of violence in Colorado.

Huh? It's madness I tell you, pure madness.


Deo Vindice
Ever noticed how extremely biased as well as extremely slick the wording of these so-called opinion polls are?

Is anyone else paranoid about voting being held through computerized voting booths? I'm worried as hell, people.