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How about two seperate handgun forums?


Staff Alumnus
Semi-auto and revolver forums for handguns? It seems that the HG forum has such an overwhelming number of posts that it's difficult to follow at times. With this format, it will make browsing through the threads a wee bit easier.

Just a thought...
I like it, Son.
I'm on the road right now and would like to think about it. If I've not replied by Tuesday or Wednesday, please push the issue.
Great Rich! This thought popped in my head today while cleaning a pheasant (don't ask why!). Anyway, the main concerns with the present format are:

Currently, November 1, 2000 10:05 PM EST, there are 7258 registered members.

Handgun Forum has 9692 topics. Imagine the day when TFL surpass 15-20,000 members. Imagine how many topics will be posted at that juncture. whew!

While there are a lot of great questions asked, I think the newbies at times get lost with the quanity of threads. At times, their questions get rolled to the bottom of the pile unintentionally.

Thanks for giving it some thought Rich.


On the surface, I like the idea too. However, there are numerous threads posted that either apply to both types or, in many cases, to neither. How does a member choose which forum to post in, or does s/he post in both?

And I want to know who is going to be moving all the threads that should be in the "other" forum after I resign? ;) Just kidding, the pay's too good to do that. But we have enough trouble right now moving threads that don't belong in H&P. (Rich knows what I mean.)
Valid points, Mal.
Let's keep talking about this. If we do a split, it'll be after we move to the vB software. Moves are easier there.
I realize that it would be more work for the moderators to move threads between the forums. However, it will be MUCH more work once membership doubles, triples, etc. Not only will that be a pain but also members, new and old, will have a hard time going through posts. I guess my biggest concern was newbies asking questions and having their threads buried at the bottom.

If this format is feasible, maybe you should add another moderator/moderators.

In regards to revolvers vs. semi-auto threads, you could leave the thread in whichever forum it originated.

If you leave the forum the way it is, it will still function. I was just picturing TFL months, years from now and trying to suggest ways to better the overall quality of this board. Whatever you decide, I'll fully support :)
Sounds like you need more than 2 forums then - 1 for pistols, 1 for revolvers, and 1 for general handgun issues. You know, "Which handgun for me?" "Stopping power of 9mm?" etc.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
Son and Rich,

With respect, I'm with Mal on this one. How many threads have we seen re "my first handgun"? How many times do we suggest a novice opt for a revolver rather than a semiautomatic? How many topics have focused on comparative defensive potential, with the .357 magnum remaining a key sidearm in the debate?

In sum, I appreciate the idea. However, I'm afraid we'd lose many interesting "gray area" discussions that are decidedly "handgun", rather than distinctly "semiautomatic" or "revolver".

With best regards -- Roy
I like the idea - less traffic overall in the one forum.
Technically this is good.
Moderators - we have three - they can have individual forums and also a joint responsability to all three as a whole.

Its workable. Easier in bite sizes.
Looks like a good thing to do when we transition to the new software.
For what it is worth I'll cast my vote in favor of it. The gray areas or either/or discussions would probably balance out between the two new forums.
I'd visit both. :D


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!
I agree Gunslinger, I'd also visit both (or all 3). And that was sort of my unwritten meaning. If everyone is going to visit both (and most will), then as I see it, it simplifies nothing and only adds a level of complexity - you have to open both forums. I guess I don't see the purpose in opening one forum to look at 20 threads and then opening another forum to look at another 20 threads when I can open one forum and look just as easily at 40 threads. My scroll bar works just fine. And will the total number of threads diminish with 2 forums? I don't think so, I believe it will only increase which would tend to negate the desired effect.

If anyone thinks everyone will post their topic in the proper forum 100% (or even 80%) of the time, they are more naive than I would think.
Hmmmm... I like it. Of course, there are variations:
One possible: <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
[II.]Other (incl. revolvers, derringers, XP-100's, pepperboxes, full-auto, etc)</UL>

But then there's the question of the all-encompassing issues, so I agree that we should at the very least also have an overall General Handgun Forum. So: <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
[I.]General Handgun Forum
[II.] Semi-Auto Only
[III.] Other</UL>

But here's a problem. Doing just a quick survey of the current top 38 topics (I got lazy), I see that:<UL TYPE=SQUARE>
<LI> 21 would fit into Semi-Auto
<LI> 13 would fit into General Handgun
<LI> 4 would fit into Other (all revolver]</UL>

Hmmmmm... We've got a bit of disparity, here.
Now we COULD go with: <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
[I.]General Handgun

[A.]..Glock OR 1911
[B.]..Other Semi-Auto

[III.]Other Non-S.A.</UL>

Now, that would surely subdivide a LOT out.

Hmmmmm... But I only count 6 of those 38 posts (from their titles only) that would obviously subdivide into II(A). So maybe that's out... Shoot, there's 4 or 5 HK posts, there, too. Now it could be: <UL TYPE=SQUARE>
[I.]General Handgun

[A.]..Glock OR 1911 OR H&K
[B.]..Other Semi-Auto

[III.]Other Non-S.A.</UL>

NOW we have some pretty evenly laid-out pistol fora, with only FOUR separate areas!

Am I making this too complicated? :)


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited November 03, 2000).]
Okay guys.. if we're gonna play fair we have to give all those Glock freaks their own forum to play in okay. We want to avoid discrimination law suits and such right? ;)

WARNING: This post may be another "self-aggrandizing attempt to cause needless controversy, argument, distraction"
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Why not "Revolvers" and "All other, LESSER, designs" ? :)

If it's worth anything at all, my vote would be for Revolvers, Semi-autos, and General Handgun questions.

I suggest NOT breaking it down into individual manufacturers. There's already Glocktalk and S&W Forum for that sort of thing, folks.

Smith & Wesson is dead to me.

If you want a Smith & Wesson, buy USED!
Isn't one of the primary functions of the handgun forum to discuss tactics? If so, how will we benefit by splitting it up?