Houston Texas Training


I am in the Houston area and looking for some concealed carry self-defense training. What gun ranges offer this and what is your experience with the range.

I am on the long side of 60 so I am too slow to run, too old to fight so my 9mm will have to help out but feel some training will be of benefit. I do have my CCL.


Not from TX but...

http://www.krtraining.com/ - these folks are about 90 miles from you, in Bryan. They have a good reputation and bring in some big-name trainers from time to time.

Jeff Gonzalez has classes in Houston sometimes, but I don't see a pistol class listed right now - http://www.tridentconcepts.com/default.aspx

Just using ye olde search engine, I see:

This old thread - http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205476





The Houston “area” is quite large, so a bit more location info will help.

North, south, east, west, and how far from the middle?
I would echo Glenn Meyer's comment about Karl Rehn. He is a first class firearms instructor, and a world renowned FOF trainer.

I'm not sure if Lee Lapin's listing of Top Gun Range was a recommendation (I presume not, since he prefaced his tabulation with mention of a search engine), but I would respectfully suggest that the OP seek training elsewhere in the Houston area.

You can probably infer that any range that brings in well-respected outside instructors (such as Tom Givens) will be first class training venues.
Just go to N. Main Street and head south. If you make it out alive, you don't need no stinkin' training. If not, you should have enrolled here first. The guy is an HPD trainer.:


In 1979 I spent 10th grade at Reagan High School (inner city Houston). There wasn't much weapons training but there was a good deal of hand-to-hand combat. I don't know about Houston Training today, but you have got to love that public range out by Westheimer and HWY 6
Spectre Firearms on Spring Cypress immediately east of 249 has a guy who offers training as well. What area of town are you in?
I took a class with Hoffner's and was not particularly delighted ... the shooting portion was at an indoor range and there were so many people in the class that we were virtually shoulder to shoulder when firing ... that left zero ability to move and people were constantly being peppered with hot brass ... I thought the lessons the trainers imparted were very valuable; I just didn't care much for the setting ... Outdoors would have been far superior and if they train outdoors now, I'd say give them a try ...

Another vote for Rehn ... he's great ...