Houston Competitions


Guys, first posting on here. Me and my 13 yr old son would like to check into competitive shooting of all kinds. We hunt together, but I'd like to find something we can do together on off-season weekends. Are there any events in or near Houston where we can spectate to get an idea of what we can do together?

Thanks, Marty
BigKid, I'd really like to help you with this. Be prepared, there are a ton of shooting sports, and the competitors of each are always happy to tell you why theirs is the best. Hopefully, the competitors are very enthusiastic about getting youngsters into the sport as well. No matter what you get into, plan to spend some money getting good equipment, but plan to spend a LOT of time wtih your son on the range.

I shoot NRA Highpower Rifle-Service Rifle division, and CMP Excellence In Marksmanship (EIC) matches. The two are basically the same with minor differences. The course is shot with rifles (in my case the M1 Garand, the M14, and the AR-15 are the applicable rifles) at distances of 200, 300, and 600 yards from position, meaning Standing, Sitting (or kneeling), and Prone. There are slow and rapid portions of the course. The NRA and CMP are VERY motivated toward getting "juniors" into the sport. Its been like that for a very long time. There are special opportunities just for juniors and their sponsors (parents most of the time) to encourage Junior participation without costing the families a ton of money. It's still a somewhat expensive sport at the beginning, but luckily once you have the equipment, you shouldn't need more for a long time. Match Directors could easily arrange things so that your son could shoot on one relay and you on the other so that you could share some equipment if that's necessary. Eventually, though, you'll each need your own.

How old is your son? (edit, oh, he's 13! Neat!) The reason I ask is because I don't want you to be concerned that this kind of shooting is "too much" for a real youngster. Take a look at this little girl here...


...her name is Anna Burns and she's 12. She is shooting in Match Rifle class (rifles are practically unregulated as long as they are safe and still fired from position) as she has to shoot a non-standard sized AR (shorty 16") due to her small build. I'm sure that she'll start shooting a full size rifle when she gets bigger.

If you'd like more info, please send me an email at highpowerar15@earthlink.net Also visit this website for Houston area match info. You may need to register to get in the forum but its free.
Hey BK:
Cruise by www.psc-range.com for a list of matches held just south of the city. PSC is a members-only club but matches are open. Some of the matches are free for juniors who bring a parent. There's a pin shoot on Sunday. Good to have a centerfire semi auto and a revolver about 100 rds per.


There are good links to IPSC (USPSA) and IDPA clubs there too.
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Thanks for posting that club information. I am moving to Houston at the end of July and have been looking at houses in the friendswood area. It is nice to see that there is a club near there. I was a little worried about moving away from Phoenix which is such a Mecca for IPSC and IDPA.
Welcome to Houston

Hey Jeeper:

We'll all be looking forward to meeting you in July. Lots of good matches coming up in the area in August and September. Give some thought to getting an entry in for the Carter Martin benefit match in San Angelo in August. Arguably one of the most fun events of the year.


Thanks Norm,

Where could I get some info on that match? I see that you also shoot sihlouettee at PRC which is also nice.

I'll see you guys in a few months. Now I have to rebuild my reloading bench in my new place.

Hey Jeeper:

You can get more info at:

The match usually runs Saturday and Sunday and you can pick a day or days to shoot it. Some folk will shoot Ltd. one day and open the other. ( 2 fees of course, it IS a benefit match). Match fee includes the banquet Saturday night. They've been known to auction off a reshoot (for score ) of a stage at this event! How often have you said you'd give anything to rehabilitate that stage where you trashed your match? This might be the time.

The really neat part is that it all somehow has the aura of a sport for the noble folk (and I think this year's theme is about to capitalize on that notion. Volunteers from the area tape targets and collect your brass and return it to you. You get a chance to tell lies, hob nobs, socialize and game out the next stage in comfort and ease until it's your turn to shoot. It's a real treat!

If I could only shoot one IPSC(USPSA) match in the year this would be the one.


(happily I don't have to make that kind of choice)

Silhouette shooting is alive and well at the club. We have hosted the State match on occasion.

Well I just bought a house down in Pearland. It isnt all that far from PSC. I should be there the first week of august. I look forward to shooting with you guys down there. I will probably join the club as soon as I get there. I see that you run the pin match. I look forward to meeting you and other Houston area shooters. My father was making fun of me because when I told him that I bought a house, the first thing he asked was “How close is it to the nearest range”

Thanks for the tips on the club and other shooting events.
American Shooting Centers out by HWY 6 and Westheimer has IPSC on Tuesdays and IDPA on Wednesdays. Signups start at 5:00 P.M., and the shooting starts at 6:00 P.M. First timers don't have to pay.
Thanks. I have always liked night shoots. I'll have to try there soon. The first thing I need to do is make a new reloading bench.