House Passes Indentured Servitude Act Of 2009

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The Us Congress Today Passed The Bill Which Requires Every American To Serve Their Country In Some Sort Of Community Service For A Period Of Up To 500 Hours A Year, It Also Establishes The Creation Of "camps" For Training And Indoctrination Of God Knows What...and Uniforms Shall Be Required While Providing Such
Community Services....

Yes, Today You Have Been Enslaved By Your Own Country Folks,
I Am At A Loss For Further Words, Except To Say That I Will Personally Refuse To Serve In This Civillian Workforce Gestapo
And Will "at All Costs" Resist Such Ursurping Of My Constitutionally Gaurenteed Freedom.

Anyone Want To Join Me ?
I somehow doubt that my regular volunteer work teaching people how to shoot will qualify.

Is this true? I'm starting to worry.

On another board, I just read that some documents have been passed that will give China the right to take eminent domain of American land if we default on our debt.

It may all be tin foil hat or true.. I'm not sure which sources I trust.

But if it is true, we're in very, very deep manure.

Let's see what's wrong with that overwrought bit of tripe...

First off, Congress did NOT pass a law requiring "every American to serve... up to 500 hours a year." (Who would the lowest beneficiaries of such service serve? Would Patty Prostitute be forced to give free rolls to Barney Bum as a contribution toward her service quota?)

Strike one.

Secondly, this is NOT indentured servitude because people enter into the programs freely.

Strike two.

Claims of enslavement?

Strike three.

No link to a news article about what the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed?

Strike four.

No name for the bill, H.R. 1388, other than an invention designed to sound as hysterical as possible?

Strike five.

Not knowing that the whole Senate hasn't acted on their version of the bill, S. 277, yet?

Strike six.

"I'm at a loss for words..."

Thank God, or you'd strike out for BOTH sides.

Here's a link to a news article on what the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passed, and how it will expand AmeriCorps

Here's a more in-depth analysis from Fox News:

Get the hysteria under control, get your facts under control, and try discussing it in a new thread, because this one, as flawed as it is, is closed.
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