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Vol. 6, No. 23 6/18/99


Today, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 147 to 280 to
eliminate all gun provisions from H.R. 1501, its version of
juvenile justice reform. This vote capped two days of heated
debate in the House, where Representatives made it clear they
were responding to the concerns of America's millions of
law-abiding gun owners. The House first voted late Thursday
night to attach an amendment by Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) to
H.R. 2122, the firearms section of their juvenile justice
legislation. The Dingell Amendment, approved on a 218-211
bipartisan vote, clarified H.R. 2122 by reducing possible delays
for firearms transfers at gun shows to no more than 24 hours and
clearly defining what constitutes the "sale" of a firearm at a
gun show. The base text of H.R. 2122 already made vast
improvements over the Senate's version of proposed regulations on
gun shows by requiring the immediate destruction of records on
firearm purchasers whose purchases are not denied through the
National Instant Check System (NICS), and permanently prohibiting
a federal gun tax for NICS inquiries. Immediately after passing
the Dingell amendment, the House defeated an amendment by rabidly
anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.), on a bipartisan 193-235
vote. McCarthy's amendment was similar to the Lautenberg gun
show ban. While supporters of the Dingell amendment used their
time to debate the merits of the proposal, opponents chose to use
their time to attack NRA and law-abiding gun owners with often
illogical, highly charged emotional outbursts. Rep. Patrick
Kennedy's (D-R.I.) irrational ranting and raving, when he accused
supporters of the Dingell amendment of wanting to allow criminals
to purchase firearms, had to take first prize for outrageous

The House continued their work on H.R 2122 today, when it
took up a number of additional firearm-related amendments. The
House passed: the Davis "Safe Storage Device" Amendment, that
requires manufacturers to include a "safe storage device" with
every new handgun; the Cunningham Concealed Carry Amendment, that
allows all current and retired law enforcement officers to carry
concealed firearms nationwide; the Hyde-McCollum Juvenile
"Assault Weapons" Amendment, that prohibits the possession by
juveniles of "assault weapons" and magazines capable of holding
more than 10 rounds of ammunition (with several exemptions to
these prohibitions for a number of lawful activities); the Rogan
Amendment, which prohibits a juvenile who commits a serious
violent felony from being able to purchase or own a firearm as an
adult; the Hunter Amendment on Handgun Ownership in D.C., that
would allow law-abiding residents of D.C. to possess a loaded
handgun in their home for personal protection; the Hyde-Lofgren
Magazine Import Ban Amendment, that prohibits the importation of
magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition
previously exempted from the 1994 ban; and the Sessions-Frost
Pawn Redemption Amendment, that requires a NICS check before any
firearm that has been pawned for more than one year is returned
to its owner. The House defeated: the Goode D.C. Gun Ban Repeal
Amendment, that would repeal the District of Columbia's onerous
handgun ban; and the Conyers Substitute Amendment, which sought
to undermine the House's previous bipartisan efforts by replacing
the House gun language with the package of restrictions passed by
the Senate. The Hyde Age Limit amendment, that sought to ban
the purchase or attempted purchase of handguns by persons under
21 from private citizens or at gun shows, was pulled from
consideration. Finally, the House defeated H.R. 2122 on a
147-280 vote, meaning H.R. 1501, passed earlier in the week with
no gun provisions, becomes the complete House juvenile justice

At this time it is unclear what the next step will be for
juvenile justice legislation. However, we urge you to continue
to contact your federal lawmakers and urge them to support the
Second Amendment. Be sure to thank those Representatives who
supported our right to keep and bear arms, and remind those
lawmakers that have not been supportive that you will be paying
close attention to future votes. U.S. Senators can be reached by
calling (202) 224-3121, and Representatives can be reached at
(202) 225-3121.


In last week's FAX Alert (Vol. 6, No. 22), we reported HCI
had taken out an ad in USA Today promoting their anti-gun agenda,
which was clearly an effort to influence Congress to support the
recent assaults on gun shows. This week, a letter with 290
signatures was delivered to Congress in opposition to more gun
control. In contrast to HCI's ad, however, the signatories of
this letter were scholars, not celebrities. Organized by
Professor John Lott of the University of Chicago, economists, law
professors, and criminologists joined together to point out the
fact that firearms in the hands of law-abiding citizens act as a
deterrent to crime, and to state that the recent proposals by
Bill Clinton and others are ill-advised. We can only hope that,
when it comes to deciding crime and constitutional issues,
Congress will choose to listen to experts, not entertainers.


This week, Vice President Al Gore showed that he is either
unaware of federal firearm laws, or he is willing to lie in order
to further his anti-gun agenda. While speaking before the U.S.
Conference of Mayors, Gore stated that anyone between the ages of
18 and 20 "can walk into any gun shop, any pawn shop, any gun
show, anywhere in America and buy a handgun." Of course, federal
law has prohibited the purchase of a handgun from a Federal
Firearms License (FFL) by ANYONE under the age of 21 since 1968.
Whether unaware or intentionally lying, Gore's statement is just
another reason why the Clinton-Gore Administration should not be
trusted with our rights protected by the Second Amendment.


It seems that U.S. politicians are not the only ones who
have been exploiting the tragedy in Littleton, Colo. On April
21, the day after the horrific event at Columbine High, a British
company called 21st Century Fax Ltd. began sending a survey to
any fax number in America it could find, asking "Would you like
to see more effective gun control laws?" Many of you have
already received this fax, and have brought it to our attention.
For a recipient of this survey to have his vote counted, he would
have to fax his reply to a "900" number that, according to fine
print at the bottom of the message, would cost $2.95 per minute.
A May 5 story in the Washington Post stated that the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) had both received numerous complaints about these
unsolicited messages, spurring an investigation into the
practices of the British company to see if they had violated any
U.S. laws, especially the Telecommunications Protection Act,
which prohibits unsolicited commercial faxes. Gordon Ritchie,
director of 21st Century Fax, claimed his company did nothing
illegal, as he stated FCC rules "only apply to faxes from the
U.S." He said that the survey would eventually be sent to
approximately three million faxes in America. While Ritchie
claims his poll is scientifically sound, American pollsters
disagree, pointing out the fact that it is not a random sample of
respondents. Ritchie admitted to being a supporter of gun
control, although based on the way the poll's only question was
worded, that was relatively apparent. He even went so far as to
say that he would end the poll if it became apparent that the
result would show Americans did not support more gun control.
Thus far, no results have been released.


DELAWARE: HB 161, which seeks to make it easier for victims of
domestic violence to obtain permits to carry a concealed handgun,
passed the legislature and is awaiting Gov. Thomas Carper's (D)
signature. Contact Governor Carper at (302) 577-3210 and urge him
to sign HB 161.

MASSACHUSETTS: On June 22nd, at the Grafton High School from 4 to
8 p.m., the Committee on Public Safety will hold a regional
hearing to take testimony concerning the many problems associated
with Chapter 180 of the 1998 Massachusetts Gun Control Act.
Please attend this hearing and testify before the committee.

NEW YORK: The Senate passed A.2045, the Eddie Eagle Gun Safety
Program bill. This bill now awaits Governor Pataki's (R)
signature. Contact Governor Pataki at 518-474-8390 and urge him
to sign A.2945. Additionally, members are encouraged to attend a
rally in support of the Second Amendment to be held on Saturday,
June 26, at 11 a.m., on the steps of the Niagara Falls City Hall,
located at 745 Main Street. For more information, please contact
Tom Chandler at 518-861-7058.

OKLAHOMA: SB 601, the NRA-backed package which seeks to make
reforms to the Right To Carry permit system while also
establishing reckless lawsuit preemption, was signed by Gov.
Keating (R) this week.

OREGON: SB 887, which seeks to implement NRA's Eddie Eagle Gun
Safety Program in the curriculum of Oregon's school children in
grades K through 6, is on Gov. John Kitzhaber's (D) desk.
However, gun-control advocates are encouraging the governor to
veto SB 887 simply because it is an NRA program. Contact Gov.
Kitzhaber at 503-378-4582 and urge him to sign SB 887. Tell the
Governor that SB 887 does not advocate firearms training or
usage, but rather, it is solely about teaching children how to be
safe if they come across a firearm in an unsupervised situation.

This information is provided as a service of the National Rifle
Association's Institute for Legislative Action --

Everyone is welcome to come over to my Second Amendment homepage
and message board. Have some fun while learning how to effectively
battle the foes of the Second Amendment. Feel free to speak you mind
on a variety of subjects ranging from firearms, politics, the great
outdoors, to self sufficiency measures.


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Joe's Second Amendment Homepage
Joe, thanks for the update. I think the most important message is that we need to keep those cards and letters going to DC to make sure our Rep's and Senators realize that there are millions and millions of honest gun owners. And ... we are not happy campers right now.

Further gun control, of any kind, needs to stop. We're done compromising by giving away the 2nd Amendment every year. Done.

I couldn't agree more! Slick Willy and his minions will be putting pressure on the reps. We need to to as much!


Another look at it!



Copyright by Neal Knox

3:30 p.m. June 18 update -- Congressmen who claimed the
"Mandatory Gun Show Background Act," H.R. 2122, didn't go far
enough, and a few who felt it went too far, joined forces to defeat
the gun portion of the Juvenile Justice Act.

It failed 147-280, with all but 10 Democrats and 82
Republicans opposing it. The White House immediately claimed that
"the gun lobby controls the House of Representatives."

But the White House plan to blame it all on the Republicans was made
more difficult by the fact that "Mr. Democrat," John Dingell, the
most senior Democrat in Congress and five other senior Democrats,
sponsored the gun show amendment that was the main excuse for
killing the gun provisions. The final bill had four of the five
provisions that the White House said it wanted in the Senate-passed
Lautenberg amendment.

Under the terms of the rule, H.R. 1501, the House Juvenile
Justice Act, which has almost no gun provisions, will go to a
House-Senate conference for melding with the Senate-passed version.

The House specifically rejected the Senate-passed gun
provisions as the final vote before rejecting the final House gun
bill, making it more difficult for the conferees to give the White
House everything they want.

But President Clinton, who is in Germany, immediately called on the
public to put pressure on conferees and the House to pass the Lautenberg
amendment. Guns will be the topic of Clinton's radio address
tomorrow -- surprise, surprise.

Whatever the House-Senate conference agrees to will have to be
approved by both the House and Senate before it goes to President
Clinton. Since Clinton and the Democrats clearly want a political
issue to hammer Republicans with, I expect him to veto anything he
gets while upping the ante on what he considers "reasonable gun
control" -- and we're going to be fighting a series of gun law battles
for the next 18 months.

During final action on the bill today, since my noon report,
the House approved a limited requirement for a NICS check when
redeeming long-pawned guns.

But the big vote, which would have been a killer amendment if
the Democrats hadn't been able to blame the Dingell Gun Show
Amendment, was a provision by Rep. Duncan Hunter which restored the
right of law-abiding D.C. residents to possess a handgun in their
home for home defense. It passed 213-208.

A similar bill by my friend and Democratic Congressman Virgil
Goode failed by 175-250. My guess is that it failed because it
specifically reinstated the previous D.C. law, which included
registration with fingerprinting. The Hunter amendment did not,
but Rep. Hunter said under his proposal D.C. guns would still have
to be registered.

A provision by Rep. Rogan imposed a lifetime ban on firearms
ownership for juveniles who commit serious violent crimes.

Democrats then promised to bring down the bill unless a
Conyers substitute passed, putting the Lautenberg language in the
House bill. It failed 184-222.

Then 197 Democrats and 82 Republicans voted to kill the bill.

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I hope that you are not claiming Victory with this thread, NRAlife.....

What has just happened is that the republican leadership left us with NO rebuttle to house bill 254 (lautenberg, et al) for the conference committee. The house passed HR1501, the social aspects of the Juvenile Justice Bill, but without HR2122, there is no counterpart to the draconian gun stuff passsed by the sentate. Teh House Rules committee has not yet figured out how to handle the issue, but it could well end up that the Conference committee has nothing to work with outside of 254, which means that he language of 254 will likely end up in a Bill on the president's desk...

The house republicans that didn't support the bill just cut off their nose to spite their face.....

I am not claiming anything, although I think the outcome in the House is definitely more of a victory than a defeat.

I simply posted these alerts, because I figured that people were hungry for the results of what went on in the House. Check the date and times I posted these.

I don't follow your logic on what may end up on the Presidents desk. To me it doesn't make sense to say that a bill that doesn't pass both chambers will end up anywhere. Just because a bill passes in the Senate doesn't mean squat unless a similar bill passes in the house. No counterpart coming from the House is a good thing! There is NOTHING to discuss in committee as far as gun control goes, because the House ONLY sent over the bill on social reforms. They can argue in committee about social reforms all they want, but that is it.

Let's look at this another way. If the Senate passed a bill banning abortions and the House rejected it. The bill would be dead, finished. It's as simple as that. What would there be to discuss in committee?

If I remember correctly, you are a LEO. I think you wanted the LEO CCW reforms so much that you were actually for the Republican plan. As for myself, I would rather just see the whole thing dead, even if they did throw us a few bones. ;-)


Hoping that Slick can't find a way to breathe life back into the senate bill.

as I explained above and in ohter threads:

The house republican leadership chose to split the soical and gun issues of the Juvenile Justice Bill into two bills, 1501 and 2122. The plan was that BOTH bills would meet with SEnate 254 in Conference committee.. 1501 will STILL meet with the entire 254 (including Gun language) in conference because it passed the house, but now we have no diluted language for the conferees to look at. Of course, conferees can resurect anything from 2122, if they want.

On the LEO CCW issue, the only reason I supported the ammendment was because it included retired LEOs and it had the support of HCI. Retired LEOs have no special status, they are just average citizens, so it would be a huge precedent for properly trained CCW permit holders to get national reciprocity.. with the tacit agreement of HCI.... it really would have been a coup.

Now we are not only back to square one on the NAtional Reciprocity (LEO or CCW), but we also are going to have to deal with the Senates Gun language from SR254.

Please don't fall for the media's spin on this one, we did not win.
When discussing the results of the past week with your local gun grabbing liberal, I suggest the following position, as it reflects the facts:

- HR 2122 was proposed by a Democrat and supported by the Republican Party Leadership.
- While we, as gun owners, were not happy with the additional gun restrictions that it contained, we were, once again, willing to accept further restrictions on law abiding citizens.
- This law was defeated by the Liberals in the House. The Democrats voted against it, en masse, because it did not give them everything on their wish list.
- Thus the Liberals have proven that children were never the issue, attacks on the Second Amendment were. The children of this nation were used as a smoke screen by the liberals... this includes those children, recently killed in school shootings.

September is coming around. I pray no more violence. However, it is imperative that the Democrats not be allowed to falsely claim that legislation was killed by the Republicans. This is not the case and will be used against us with the very next shooting.

In short, do not claim "victory" wasn't, as Rob has pointed out. Take the President's fire by claiming the truth: Americans lost when the Democrats killed meaningful legislation that would have
protected our children. (There was much in 2122 to commend it. What we were giving up was token, by comparison....especially in light of the Senate proposal which remains on the table.)

Thanks for the inside scoop on how dangerous things still are. I hadn't realized this but am learning by the day. Nice to have our own inside track to LaPierre on TFL. Keep us posted.