House of Horrors scenario

David Scott

New member
You're at the County Fair, walking with your teen-aged son through the House of Horrors. It's full of animatronic creatures that spring out and scream at you, mirrored walls, dead ends, and lighting that alternates between flashes of colors and almost no light at all. You have been wandering around in here for some time when you notice that the glow-in-the-dark arrows, meant to show the way out for people who decide to quit, are missing.

As you come round a corner, you find a teen-aged girl on the floor with two bulet holes in her chest. She's still alive, and she gasps out, "He said I was just the first. He's got a gun and a silencer, and he said he was going to go offer more sacrifices to Zarkon." She dies in your arms, and as she does you hear a PHUT! and a scream, followed by the thud of a falling body. It came from somewhere inside the house of horrors.

You have a CCW permit. Since it's a warm day, all you are carrying is a Kel-Tec P32 by its waistband clip, and one spare mag of Silvertips. How do you proceed?
What is up with these lose-lose scenarios? Hunting an unidentified male armed with a silenced pistol among the lack of light and cacophony of a haunted house with your kid in tow is out. Leaving your kid there unarmed while you go hunting the shooter is out. Staying there and laying an ambush is out; you don't even know where the shooter is, so there's a 50% chance he'll see and shoot you first. Try to get to the end or stumble your way back the way you came with the gun out in front and your kid in back while you try to watch all directions hoping you don't get shot by the psycho or another CCW holder who mistakes you for a psycho and hope you don't cause mass panic when someone sees the gun? Okay, that's good! Now, which way? Did the shooter walk to the end taking up signs and work his way back shooting? Then he's already passed you once and he's behind you so don't go back. Since you're not already sacrificed to Zarkon he didn't pass you so he's ahead of you. Because he wasn't seen taking up signs he had to take them up entrance to exit, so he walked to the end, walked back halfway and then started sacrificing, moving to the exit. This means he may only get half the possible number of sacrifices, which won't please Zarkon, so is bad tactics for him, but he is using a silencer to maximize the number of sacrifices, so why would he settle for half? Unless he thought you were a secret supervisor of Zarkon (remember, he's psycho) and immune from sacrifice. I'd run back to the front, kid in front of me (I'm fairly sure the shooter's between me and the exit), the gun in my hand but low. You can follow the trail of people back to the entrance, and quitely as you can get them to turn around and go back. If you run into the second sacrificee when you start moving (means he skipped you and is between you and the entrance), immediately turn and haul a** to the exit. There SHOULD be enough people to follow either way. Get out and have the folks controlling the house turn off the crap, turn on the lights, call 911. If the house has a PA, announce in your best Moses voice "THIS IS ZARKON! MY SON, YOU HAVE DONE WELL! I BESTOW UPON YOU INVINCIBILITY! PROVE YOUR FAITH IN ME BY SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE HEAD! WHEN YOU HAVE PROVEN YOURSELF FAITHFUL YOU MAY JOIN ME IN MY KINGDOM!" Who knows? Might work.
This is just my view why I would choose escape over hunting the BG:
#1 my CCW is for the defense of myself and my family, not every Tom, Dick and Harry who chooses not to defend themselves. I hate it for them, but I'm not risking my life for the public at large.
#2 My limited training focuses self defense. Not hunting around a dark house (that isn't mine) for an armed killer.
gotta go w/ jwr on this on....draw pistol, keeping it low and out of sight, grab son, and haul a$$ back the way i came...i would warn people that i meet, after i get past them (coward first, and i'm movin' fast)....primary goal is to get the he!! out of dodge and avoid a confrontation....