House intrusion tactics


New member
Here's my situation.
I'm a college student living in a home that has less than satisfactory security. I have a room at the end of a 25 ft. hallway. At the other end of this hallway is the living room and kitchen, etc, etc. Any point of illegal entry would be at this opposite end of my room. The only other things in this straight hallway are my roommates but because of this security problem everyone in my home keeps their door locked. The only open door in this hallway is our bathroom which is right next to my room. Now that my home is mapped out, my problem is thus:

Should someone enter my home ARMED how should I deal with this? If I was to leave my room into the hallway I would quite literally be the fish in the barrel. I suppose I could wait it out in my room, call 911 or something.
What would you guys suggest? Oh, and I forgot to mention... I am armed. A SIG 226, G23, and a 10/22.
I'm no expert by any means, but I would lock myself in the BR, and call 911. I'd be real uneasy about firearms considering the number of other people in the house (over penetration).Again just my opinion.
I would also correct the things that would leave your house vulnerable, replace locks, get better lighting, maybe get a security system.
Cheat........ realy, give yourself every advantage, surprise is a good element.

I'd hide in a position (under the bed, in closet etc) so I had a good view of the door, he has to come thru, so you'll see him first, ambush him. :)
Better locks. Maybe an inexpensive alarm. Stay in your room, and call the cops. Clearing houses is a last ditch effort, used only if you know someone is in danger.
Can you be more specific as to the security problems? My first thought was that your room-mates were being lax (leaving doors unlocked, etc...), but if everyone is lockling themselves in their rooms at night, then I guess they're just as concerned about safety as you are.

I agree with the "hole up and wait" advice.
I would get an inexpensive alarm (one that just makes noise, albeit a lot of noise), keep your doors locked, and your guns loaded. The alarm would probably be enough to scare the average theif away (he would most likely think the calvalry was on its way). The locks would slow him down, and the gun is just in case the SHTF.
When I was living in an apartment my primary home defense gun was a shotgun loaded with #8 birdshot specifically because of the overpenetration problem with pistols. A Mossberg 500 is relatively inexpensive.
A shotgun......


I've actually been debating that. More Remington 870 than Mossberg. I did see the one on sale here on TFL and it's tempting.

I don't have any moola right now. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait :(
CSOs Rock
With the other advice you should remember that intelligence is the giver of life.
With the description you gave would suggest that you install two of those bullseye thru door viewers. Put one in a normal position to allow you to view what is going on in the hall, Put the other down low that if you are in the mood to be close to the floor you can still look in hall.
Should look at way lighting is in hall to enhance visibility.
Ability to know what is going on in hall/rest of home makes decisions on course of action easier.
"bullseye through door viewer?"
What is that?

As far as lighting goes... the only sunlight to reach the hallway is through the bedrooms, BUT they're all locked. The only light switch is on the opposite end. I know, I know... I'm basically screwed.

My bedroom window does lead outside though... I could always jump through there I guess. THEN I could scream like a little girl and run around in little circles.
If you can escape do it. The little girl in that situation would have more brains than some stud who stays , maybe like you.
I'm very sorry, but the proper name of the bullseye thru door viewer escapes me.
Go to hardware store/lumber yard and tell them that you are looking for a peephole viewer to see thru a door so that you can see who is on the other side. Hopefully you will connect with a good clerk who will lead you right to it.
In regards to lighting it would sound like you need to talk to the landlord to get lights modified. Don't know situation but if you can push it it might come under fire safety. Don't shoot yourself in foot over lights.
In being able to get out of room thru window. Sounds like excellent idea. But sit down now and think of what you would like to do after getting out. Call 911? Safe hole to run to? In self defense situation once you break contact with BG find help and alert others.
I'd escape if possible. Otherwise, I'd make sure I wasn't the first thing the BG saw upon entering the room. I'd probably choose the wall with the door, staying as flat as possible against it in order to enhance my element of surprise. Any large furniture (bed, recliner, chest of drawers, etc.) would provide limited cover/concealment as well.

It's your house; manipulate your knowledge of it to your greatest advantage.
Safe Room

Make yourself as small as target as possible behind cover. Armed with your G23, loaded with 130-165 grain hollow points. Call 911. If some tries to enter, if possible, state you are armed and called the police. If they still enter and you don't know them it's time to consider deadly force. If you have the money I would "harden" your room. For example solid core doors, two dead bolts to a door, all hardware attached with 3" screws. A cell phone would be nice and a bright flash light. What your goal is to build a "safe room". The down side is it costs money.
If you have no immediate family or friends or roommates to protect from imminent danger, map an exit beforehand and get the hell out if ever the iceman cometh...

if circumstances require you remain and confront-well I hope you can get your hands on an 870 somehow...part-time work (quite miserable work if I may add) got me my Express and more when I was in college...
I agree, get an 870, come on you know you want one. If you have the desire and funding, buy it. Otherwise, I would lock the door and call the cops
Hi everyone! My first post. :)

CSOs ROCK, I'm in almost the same situation as you, except I live in Australia and don't have to worry about room-mates. My corridor light switches are also located at the open-end (the kitchen end, near the front and rear entrances), and the light is placed just outside my room door. Nice visibility for the intruder, while I can't see worth a damn!

I've mulled over my options, and have decided that the best defence is to call the police ASAP, whilst making my escape through the window and taking cover behind the watertank - about 10 metres from my bedroom window - without being mauled by my neighbour's dogs. I have to take cover after breaking out, because I live in the countryside, and the land just outside my window provides no concealment. Fortunately, I have a mobile phone, so I'm not tied up in my room if an intruder breaks in.

IMHO, give yourself a plan of escape. You should probably discuss this with your room-mates.
Place the telephone so that minimal movement is required to reach it.
Place your pistol under the pillow, rather than bedside (or an intruder could use it against you without awakening you).
Lean a broomstick against your front door before you go to bed, so that it will fall and make a loud noise if the door opens - this is a crude alternative to an electric alarm.

[Edited by SamH on 01-27-2001 at 04:09 PM]