House Bill 40 ...


I think this is great!

House Bill 40, sponsored by State Representative Scott Perry (R-92), would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be. It is clearly stated that there would be no “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family. HB40 would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used.
I would point out that the PA bill is still not law. It has a long way to go. What happened is we dragged it kicking a screaming out of committee. It still needs to pass in the house, the state senate and on to Fast Eddie the governor.

I would add the bill has enough co-sponsors to pass the house. we are looking for a veto proof majority.
It is the Castle Doctrine. If you are somewhere that you have the legal right to be and are confronted, you have no legal duty to retreat. You have the right to remain and use deadly force to protect yourself and others from deadly force or significant bodily injury. I belive that most states are going to this legislation and every state that it passes in is just a little step further into 2A rights being taken as seriously as they were intended.

HB40 is called the "Castle Doctrine", but legally is a Stand Your Ground provision. PA already has Castle Doctrine under statutory law(18.5.505 & 507) and practices it under common law - no duty to retreat from home or place of work. This bill will extend your protections beyond your dwelling and provide civil protections.