House Bill 2228


New member
Anyone from PA familar with House Bill 2228? 19 Democrats and 1 Republican House of Representative members cosponsored a bill on Feb 5 that calls for encoding serial numbers on the base of every bullet, with matching numbers inside the mouth of the case, that is sold in PA. Sales records will need to be kept, a 5 cents per round tax is included, and a new bureacracy that will be part of the State police will be developed to develop an ammunition database that will include the date of purchase, name and date of birth of each purchaser, driver's license number or other Federal or State government number (Soc Sec??), and the serial numbers of all ammo purchased.
The legislators are mostly from the Philadelphia and Pittsburg regions (surprise). It is the dumbest piece of trash I have ever read. It took me 5 minutes to come up with 3 typed pages of why it won't work. If enacted it would eliminate the ability to reload ammo in PA. I suspect it is really an end-run attempt at gun control because without ammo, why carry a gun?