Hostage at 7-11 store

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Happy to see the police were able to fire a clean shot, it was swat not regular patrol so I guess that's what we would expect from them. It's 2 min long video. Think a blank 5 second add pops up first tho.

The woman being moved around and pushing a bit opened up enough room to make a shot. So that's something to think about if you're on the victim side of a hostage taking (the other side being the police not the gunman)
Reading some of those comments makes me want to find a cave in the woods and go full-bore misanthrope.

Interesting; 7-11, room clearing....

I saw this news item a few days ago but didn't watch the video.
The Denver SWAT did a good job. The only points Id critique would be that they bunch up around the wounded subject & then they wait to go inside & clear the 7-11 store.
I'm not a spec ops expert or SWAT cop, but my SOP would be to clear all the danger areas ASAP after a use of force/lethal force event.
It's not uncommon for robbers or terrorists to leave "seeded back-up" or to plant secondary IEDs/bombs.

The SWAT unit should have evac'd the hostage victim right away too. They left her standing there out of the way. :confused:
It's not a major issue but I'm sure the poor woman was traumatized by the events. She(or any victim/hostage) could be hurt or go into shock. :eek:

It may be a "slow Tuesday" for the SWAT officers or other sworn LE on scene, but they are trained to handle high stress/dynamic events.
John & Mary Citizen are not.
That's not a comment on just this Denver incident but other LE incidents as well. All armed professionals need to be aware of that when dealing with critical incidents.

My cousin; Bill is a high-level exec with 7-11 in the metro Denver area. He may have been on the scene during the incident. :eek:
Hmmm. Why not a head shot. Now us tax payers will have to foot the hospital/prison bill

(1) They took the target that was made available by the BG who was in direct contact with his hostage.

(2) They shot to end the threat, not to take a life. You don't want to portray otherwise if you are ever involved in a defensive shooting, and police don't want to be seen as executioners. They will get enough criticism from certain quarters without it.

Many people in the general public do not realize that most LE marksman(police sniper) shots are about 83 meters & under.
In most cases or "call outs", these tactical shots are not difficult.
What makes these sniper shots harder are the high stress conditions, weather or other factors. In many events, the snipers or designated marksmen just gather information or relay details to other SWAT officers.

The SEAL snipers deployed in the Captain Philips event(2009) are a great example. They went in, set up, got the "green light" on all 3 targets, shot the pirates & left w/o any incident.
Even in the recent feature film, the SEALs who went in aren't very flashy or high profile. The snipers get up, pack up & walk off. ;)
Reading some of those comments makes me want to find a cave in the woods and go full-bore misanthrope.

After your comment I had to read them, and all I can say is liberal America is destroying this country.
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