Hospital Shooting


New member
Wasn't it Dennis Olsen that posted that he had been told by a reliable source that a hospital shooting was planned for this year in preparation for a ban on ammunition in December?


I found this on

The Article:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

Gunman Kills Three in California Hospital
9.41 p.m. ET (0141 GMT) September 14, 1999
ANAHEIM, Calif. — A gunman shouting "You killed my mother!" opened fire in a crowded hospital on Tuesday, killing three employees before he was wrestled to the ground by workers, police said.
The man walked into the West Anaheim Medical Center with a handgun and went immediately to the second floor, where he shot and killed one worker, Anaheim police spokesman Sergeant Tom Mathison said.

Mathison said the gunman then returned to the first floor, where he shot two more employees. Two of the victims were pronounced dead at the scene of the mid-morning shooting and the third died during surgery.

The gunman, whose name was not immediately released, was tackled to the ground in the hospital's lobby by at least one employee and held until the arrival of police, who took him into custody.

Mathison said police had not established a link between the gunman, who was being held at a local jail, and any of the victims.

Faith Perry, who was in the hospital's lobby at the time of the shooting, told KABC-TV that she and her friend saw the shooting happen.

"(We) were sitting in the lobby and my girlfriend heard some arguing and she told me there was something that was about to go down," Perry said. "Right when she said that two men came running through the hallway toward the lobby."

"One man tried to shut the lobby doors," Perry said. "He was only able to shut one of the lobby doors. The man shot him. The man that was shutting the door turned and jumped on him and they started wrestling, and the (gunman) shot him two more times."

The hospital closed all services except for the emergency room as detectives searched the premises.



"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932

I believe you're right, although the "body count" in this incident isn't high enough to shock anyone these days.

Figure in the fact that none of the victims were children (remember, we're doing it for the children!) and this is a just one tiny blip on the radar screen.

Yup. My email buddy said that he had proof that several staged shootings would happen in 1) hospitals, 2) nursing homes, 3) day-care centers. These shootings would lead to an immediate ban on ammunition sales later in the year....

Yup. Right on schedule....
BTW, in my state, the law allows hospitals to ban concealed handgun licensees from carrying on hospital premises. Hospitals frequently use this law to create, in effect, self-defense-free zones. Such a ban makes no sense to me, and I've never heard even a bad excuse for it.
How much you want to bet that the next hospital shooting takes place in a neonatal ICU?

"In today's top stories, a madman with an assault rifle murdered 12 preemies and 3 nurses..."

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Yer skaering me Dennis. :o

I too, thought of Mr. Olson when I heard the report.

I shudder to contemplate Coinneach's speculation, and would not take the opposing wager.

[This message has been edited by Joe Mama (edited September 15, 1999).]
Well bless thier hearts.... All that they are trying to do is to protect us by keeping peacefully armed people out of the hospitals. Now why in the world can't the bleeding heart liberals see that they just need to pass more firearm free school zones, hospital zones and govt building zones? You guys know deep down inside that they really care. Bad guys like the one mentioned should know better, that he will get in BIG trouble for doing mean things to people. He might even go to jail....But then again, maybe the good guys will too if they dare try to carry such a dangerous object into a safe zone place. ;)

The strange thing about bleeding heart liberals is that their policies make sure that OTHERS have bleeding hearts too.

Ban ammo & pass more bleeding heart (we care more and know better) laws = more bleeding hearts.....think about it.....

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
In Texas, even though guns are banned in Hospitals and Nursing Facilities, there is a provision that allows the administration to selectively permit CHL holders to be armed. When I was administrator in such a facility, my boss GLADLY gave me WRITTEN (has to be in writing) to be armed. Only he and one other person kew I was, but everyone else suspected
I was and we had less trouble on account of it.