Horror story of the MMM Convention in CO....


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As posted on freerepublic.com

Prepare for more of these. The OWN the media - we've already lost...


Thoughts on the Million Mom March Convention in Denver

Exclusive to The Partisan by Bob Glass

The first Million Mom March National Convention took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Denver Colorado on Friday September 15th and Saturday, September
16th.. What we saw and what we learned , opened our eyes wide, to the enormous threat that we are facing from those who would trash the Bill Of Rights and take
away our guns, in the name of "protecting the children.

There were aspects of this gathering, that reinforced already-held beliefs and suspicions about the Million Mom March and its agenda, and we discovered new things
that came as a complete surprise. Following the cardinal rule of warfare, which is "know thy enemy, we had members of the Tyranny Response Team pose as
Million Mom wannabees, and had them register for both days of the meeting.

We wanted to have a lot of people infiltrate their meeting, because as we checked their schedule prior to the meeting itself, we learned that they would break the
main body of attendees (about 350) into separate workshops and seminars. We wanted to be able to tape and take notes of all of the various seminars, but because
they ran five seminars concurrently, we had to decide which ones were the most important. They were charging $100. per head to attend the convention, and in
addition to the fact, that the notion of giving these Fascists even a dime was repugnant, our finances are severely limited. Thusly, we had to settle for only two. The
idea was, that if one of our women got into trouble, there would be someone else there to run interference for her, or at the very least, give us a call and tell us what
was happening. This may sound a bit melodramatic, for if one or both of our ladies got caught, the very worst that could have happened, is that they would have
been asked to leave. These women were showing a lot of courage, and a little back-up never hurts.

The seminar attendees were given periodic breaks for meals and free time, and as we had rooms in the hotel, we were able to meet with our women periodically and
debrief them, on what was going on. There were moments, when each of them didn,t want to continue. Their emotions ran from fear to shock, to disgust, to outrage.
They both were afraid, that they would not be able to control themselves, and might begin screaming and ranting at these women, they so affectionately named, the
"Commie Mommies.

They turned out to be real troopers, however, and each of them stayed the course and played their role perfectly through the very end. They even joked about how
many new "friends they made, and who they expected to get e-mail and phone calls from. Quite frankly, these fine, courageous women of the TRT, who volunteered
to do this thing, ended up with some very strong conflicting emotions. Despite the fact that the MMM convention reaffirmed how great a threat these statists pose to
our liberty, on a personal note, they took a strong liking to many of the women, and felt a strange sense of betrayal, ingratiating themselves to them, under such false
pretenses. In addition, they felt that even though these women are being utterly deceived and manipulated by tyrants and power brokers, the women themselves, are
for the most part, well-intentioned ladies and the TRT women had ambivalent feelings about gathering information about them, that ultimately will be used to defeat

Having said, all that, the process of debriefing these gals, turned into more of an emotional roller coaster, than any of us could have foreseen. The main point that they
both stressed from their two day experience, was that the MMM is much better funded, organized, motivated and connected, than any of us had imagined. The
sheer volume of literature that we collected would tend to confirm this. The brochures were slick and very professionally done. Some of them were in color and
printed on heavy glossy paper.

They covered a wide variety of subjects including all aspects of the gun control debate and every facet of fund raising, organizing, dealing with the press, legal
concerns, security matters, and more. One of the things that our ladies found particularly worrisome is the emphasis that the MMM are placing on our youth. Clearly
a disproportionate amount of their efforts are aimed at our young people. Donna Dees Thomases, much to our surprise, was not the center of attention. Despite her
impressive credentials as a press representative for CBS News and two Democratic Louisiana Senators, Thomases was a nervous, pudgy middle-aged woman, who
looked strangely out of place in her ill-fitting blue jeans.

It appeared that Rebecca Brown, the very same Rebecca Brown who founded MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers), supplied both the spiritual energy and
certainly the lobbying experience and expertise at their convention. She appeared quite tired, however and was noticed taking Advil at the banquet. In a back
handed compliment to the TRT, she said that the MMM would make it a priority to "shame the TRT, in the same way that MADD shamed drunk divers. Good luck,
Becky. We learned that the MMM is rolling in dough. They received a million dollars from the Packard foundation and a staggering five million from the Emma
Goldman foundation, and a million dollars from.., not to mention all of the ten and twenty dollar checks and cash that must be flooding their post office boxes. They
had to have raised about $35,000. from the convention alone.

They had three professional video camera crews filming every facet of their convention, as well as a still photographer who they contracted independently. Their
security man is a retired Secret Service agent (much more on him to come soon), who in his brash arrogance, stressed the point in his seminar on security to "know
your enemy. I suppose we,re just following his advice. The rest of his talk was classic threat assessment kind of stuff. Despite the fact that they maintain a
non-partisan political makeup, in the end, the MMM clearly and enthusiastically endorsed the candidacy of Al Gore"what a surprise. What truly was a surprise, is
that many of the Million Moms casually admitted that their husbands owned guns, and in a few instances, so did they.

The leadership bent over backwards to emphasize and re-emphasize the fact that the MMM does not want to confiscate all guns. They did however, admit that
certain actions taken in California, did result in the banning and confiscation of a number of guns labeled as "assault rifles. They claim to simply want to outlaw what
they call "junk guns and "assault rifles. They want gun owners to be federally licensed, photographed, finger printed and regulated. They want federal legislation,
because of how easy it is for people to cross state lines and buy guns in states with more liberal laws than their own. This point in particular, was driven home by
women from Westchester, New York, who also noted how different the gun culture was in Colorado than in their home state.

Despite their reasons for federal legislation, they are somewhat inexplicably focusing on state lobbying efforts. Clearly the majority of the seminars, as well as the
literature given to all attendees was geared for organizing and lobbying on a state level. In private conversations, there were some women who confessed to wanting
an end to all private gun ownership, but astonishingly enough, most of the women favored strict control, licensing and regulation, as opposed to outright prohibition
and confiscation.

It is interesting to note, that in their talking points, they made it clear that the Second Amendment, was to be skirted, or better yet, ignored altogether in debate. They
advised the Million Moms to veer away from Constitutional arguments, and drive home the point that gun violence is a social issue, and like cancer is a social
disease, which we as a society must deal with collectively.

It is therefore not too surprising that a disproportionate number of attendees were in the health care profession, from nurses, trauma counselors, psychologists and so
on. They emphasized that the term "well regulated in the Second Amendment didn,t mean well stocked (as we know it did, from a myriad of sources) but rather, it
meant well controlled by the government, which is what they claim gives them license to enact their entire agenda, and encourage their flock to fall back on, when
challenged by pro gun rights people. What seemed to have an ironic sense of justice to it, is the fact that many of the Million Moms were victims of their own
propaganda. They were busy making jokes about the TRT, how we must have eaten lead paint as children, and our parents are related by blood, and we are the
products of inbreeding and a shallow gene pool and all of the other mindless, evasive humor they love to belittle their opponents with. They truly believe that we are
red neck Neanderthal types, truly incapable of reason, articulation and cognitive reasoning.

The majority of them are physically afraid of us, and a story was told about how some Million Moms in Kentucky were intimidated by some people they described
as NRA militia types, menacingly patting their hips. It was quite evident throughout the weekend, as we walked through the hotel with our TRT T shirts on, that all
the Million Moms who saw us, were physically intimidated. In once case, a Commie Mommie, who was waiting for an elevator refused to go inside, when one of our
guys got in, wearing his T-shirt. He held the door for her, but she shook her head and said condescendingly, that she would just a soon wait for the next one.

Towards the end of the seminar, they gave time tables for how long they estimated it would take them to achieve their three main objectives, of national registration,
federal licensing and the outlawing of "junk guns and "assault rifles. They said that they felt six to eight years was realistic, with an outside chance of four years, if a
few things went their way. One of the things that was repeated over and over, was how the media ate up everything that they did, and how cooperative and
sympathetic the media was in all of their events and press conferences. Motherhood and protecting children is a great glove to put over the fist of tyranny that is
about to smash the last vestige of the Second Amendment.

What the women both mysteriously said, was that by the end of the two days, they both felt "brainwashed. I was perplexed and a little frightened by what they meant
by that, and asked each one, if they had doubts, or second thoughts about the stand of the TRT. They both emphatically said "No, but that they felt like they had
come out of a Tony Robbins seminar, or an Amway seminar, or an other cult like atmosphere. They said that the Million Moms left the seminar completely psyched
and ready to do battle. Perhaps this is all in preparation for yet another sequel to The Stepherd Wives.

All of their media people, lobbyists, speakers, organizers, photographers, are seasoned professionals. They literally have the very best that money can buy. They are
stacked with folks who have worked in many, many liberal causes and campaigns and take many years of experience with them to the political arena. The Million
Mom March is anything but a grass roots group of angry housewives and mothers, wanting to protect the children.

The Million Mom March is a very well organized, extremely well-funded, professionally coached and directed group that is not about to go away any time soon.
They make great efforts to stack the deck with a Republican here, and a gun owner there, but there is no question that the rank and file of the MMM consists of the
liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and despite specific protestations from Donna Dees Thomases to the contrary, there is little question in my mind, that the
Million Mom March,s agenda is being carefully orchestrated from the DNC (Democratic National Committee), if not the White House, itself.

We are up against a formidable foe, indeed. This is no collection of naïve, Alice in Wonderland, women with Tie died T-shirts and granny glasses, tip toeing through the tulips. This is a professional, seasoned, well-oiled political machine, that is connected to the highest echelons of power, and has an apparently inexhaustible
source of funding. In addition, the Million Mom March can tap into a deep well of easily emotionally swayed women foot soldiers, who are enthusiastically prepared to do their bidding for them.

They are playing to a very sympathetic, if not complicitous media, having their strings of motherhood and maternal concern, pulled by the best politicos and lobbyists
that money can buy. The Million Mom March is opening new chapters around the country faster than Starbucks. The right of the American people to keep and bear
arms is under the greatest assault since the birth of this nation. Under the guise of motherhood and protecting the children, those who want to destroy the Second
Amendment and our way of life, have found the perfect useful idiots to wage their war for them. Those of us who make fun of, or belittle the Million Mom March, do
so at our own risk. Their leaders know how to manipulate the media, lobby the politicians, and assassinate the character of their opposition. They learned their trade, after all from the master, Bill Clinton. I don,t know what else I can say, to prod those of us who cherish our freedom, to get off our *** and take notice of what is
going on. Our ladies went straight into the belly of the beast, and stared directly into the face of evil. Just seeing the expressions on their faces, as they poured out the details of their two day adventure, made my blood run cold. This is for real folks. They have no intention of giving up. We will have further detailed reports on the
Million Mom convention shortly.

They will win becuase they are motivated and have the full media at their disposal. :(


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
... and, Adolf Hitler once controlled most of Europe, and did so with the greatest military force the world had ever seen.

Countless other examples can be found of evil (even evil based upon 'good intentions') possessing what appears to be overwhelming force and odds of success.

But, we have many things on our side. First, we have the truth. The RKBA is based upon ancient and fundamental concepts of the proper relationship of power between the government and the governed ... and upon the right of the individual to defend themselves and their families.

We have history on our side. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely ... the RKBA has always been perceived as the only real antidote to the development of absolute power. From Socrates and Aristotle, to the English Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution, the RKBA has been a critical part of civilization.

Although we despair, there are still many good people in our society. And, freedom has always been a minority movement. We don't need, and we'll never have a majority helping with this fight ... we simply need a committed minority.

I'm not naive about the difficulty of what we face. But, pragmatic, mature people devote their attention to the most critical need. Many Americans have ignored the RKBA because they believe that it may be under assault, but it is not in serious danger. Our task is to clearly communicate this danger to our friends and neighbors so that they realize the risk now faced by the RKBA.

We can prevail in this fight, and we must not lose heart.

Right now might be a good time to take a look at the 5 Minute Handbook in the TFL Library - http://www.thefiringline.com/Misc/library/RKBA_handbook.html

We can, and must defeat the anti-self defense movement. We owe this to our children, our communities, our country and ourselves.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 18, 2000).]
It is always disturbing to see how women in general can be manipulated and succumb to an emotionally charged intellectually bankrupt agenda such as this. It seems that they succumb to a type of "peer pressure" to fit in with whatever the latest "in" thing is to be involved with. I see this myself with my sister-in-law and a number of women I've come in contact with on a day to day basis.They seem willing to take everything at face value on an emotional level, and not question the specifics of what they are involved in.

This seems to be exactly the way the animal rights movement is run. By wipping up an emotional hysteria among their membership,overwhelmingly women, to further their agenda.

It appears the anti gun movement has now signed on to this strategy too.

I think all critically thinking women should be insulted by how their peers are obviously being used to further an agenda like this.

The only way I see to combat this latest assault is for vast numbers of women on the other side of this issue to organize and go head to head on it.

Support the SAS!
The Bigger the LIE the more people will beleive it!

Who said something like that??

Besides "The Truth" is relative, as I see it, if you can convince someone that something is "The Truth", then to them it is, no matter how absurb it is! It just depends on how brain-washed, feeble minded someone is on how easy it is to make up their mind for them.

For myself I am set in my mindset about ALOT of things. No changing it for me, no matter what so called "facts" are pushed on me.

Dead [Black Ops]
As unpopular as the view CMOS stated is I have to agree that we will not win this war via information. They control the media, their funds are limitless, there are powerful people, evil people, who will fund them endlessly. The outlook is bleak, us RKBA types have to hold down jobs, pay off the .gov extortionist etc. They have multiple hundreads of people working on this 24-7, it is their job, and with limitless media support and funding on their side the comfy sheeple ( a term that more likely should be traitor or abomination ) will support all of their propaganda to the end. It is disgusting, but unfortunately true. Aschuwitz here we come.
The right of the American people to keep and bear arms is under the greatest assault since the birth of this nation...

I agree, and have said so on multiple occasions. This is for all the marbles kiddies. If we lose this fight, it'll be on to the ammo box next, MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.

Stop them, now, or many will die in the ensuing civil war. And Stalin was the one who said "The larger the lie, the more people will beleieve it." (if memory serves.)

The current generation of children will be the last to experience gus anywhere except a museum (or on the wrong end of a U.N. NWO soldier's). To the death, now or later. Which will it be?

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>cancer is a social disease[/quote]

HUH? They have got to be out of what passes for their atom-sized brains!

Jeff T. wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>First, we have the truth.[/quote]

The truth stands there bare naked, shivering and covered with goose bumps. It's all there is.
A lie can be dressed and tailored to a T to fit whatever the occasion may be. I hate to admit it, but while honesty may indeed be the best policy, the truth can easily be beaten by perfectly tailored lies.

Jeff T. wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>We have history on our side.[/quote]

"History is a set of lies agreed upon."

I understand where you're coming from, and my sentiments are with you. But I just don't think words and votes are the tactics needed to win this.

I take solace in a qhote from Unintended Consequences: "People always move toward freedom." Somtimes, the movement is very slow, and it comes in fits and starts, and sometimes we take three steps back for every step forward; but we will get there, one day. I only hope it's in my lifetime. I fear that if we wait for the next generation, it will not happen for several more after that. We of the "baby boom" generation, while not having experienced the adversities our parents did, seem to be the last generation with any true inkling of what that was like. The generation(s) that have followed us have grown up in an overly soft, overly regulated world, and know nothing else. I sometimes feel like Ray Johnson in UC when he came back to the US after 30 years in Africa. Is this really the same country I was born and raised in? No, it's not. It has become very close to what my Dad and Uncle fought against in WWII, and I'm getting madder by the minute and am just about ready to stop sitting back and taking it.

We shall see what we shall see come this November.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center
Regardless of the outcome of the election, the long term future is basically set - at least for our lifetimes.

The biggest problem is not the politicians, it's the BEAST - American society.

The Beast has been fed only one diet of liberal Marxist socialist democrat drivel - all of its life. It likes what it eats and does not want anything different. Again, the only ones (media) to "feed" the beast are the liberals.

Until WE have the ability to "feed" our values and beliefs to the Beast, on a daily basis, from birth to old age, we are helpless.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
Got my personal debrief by our courageous ladies this afternoon. Chilling stuff in print, moreso when presented live.

The handouts, etc. presnted to all who attended speaks volumnes in its own right. At least at the top, these folks are anything but stupid. Very, very well-funded, their message's got a hook (who can argue with "common sense gun safety?") & they are motivated.

Quite frankly, I don't see many weaknesses in their goal & depending upon how this election goes, I think that their goals will be acheived sooner than they think.

Regardless of the timetable, we can eat it now or eat it later.
I'm afraid that we are out numbered. There are more people who are on the government tit now than who are in the private sector. More who draw government checks in one way or another. They can and are voting themselves more government benefits. Our elected representatives give them more and more freebee's at the expense of the rest of us in order to get re-elected.

As to the baby boomers being the last vestage of what american used to be.... Sorry I don't think so... There are a few of us here that are... but even this generation was run by the liberals in the 60's. It's the hippy generation remember. There are so many of these people burnt out on drugs living here in CA it is sickening.

Sometimes I think it would be better to vote strickly democrate. Maybe then the water would be turned up enough that all the little froggies could feel the heat.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Friends, to be frank, some of this is getting embarrassing. Is this really the measure of the fight within us?

Sorry, but I'm not rolling over for this fascist, slick media attack on the RKBA. And, I believe most TFL members are made of sterner material.

You want to do something about this? Support the women on our side. Support Mothers Arms ( www.mothersarms.org ), SAS and other ladies groups. Get your wives and girlfriends to join.

It's a lot cheaper than buying a gun ... and, it's more satisfying than crying in your beer.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited September 19, 2000).]
None of this should be a surprise to anyone. I was in DC for their march and while there was not one million moms there, the spectacle was amazing. The amount of money and organization involved was staggering. And they are only getting bigger and stronger.

I am a member of many pro-RKBA groups including the SAS and will remain so. I will keep taking people to the range, I will try to sway folks to the truth one person at a time, I will vote, I will write my elected Reps. at the local, State and Federal level.

But I believe in my heart of hearts that none of that will be enough. I believe that in the end either we rise up as one and forcefully destroy the BEAST - or we will be devoured by it.

I will continue to do everything in my power to peacefully see the truth victorious, but I am ready for whatever needs to be done.

These women, while well intentioned, are our mortal enemies - make no mistake about it. Alot of Nazis loved their families and were generally really nice people I am sure, but they were the enemy and I don't feel sorry for any of them.

Most 'evil' people think they are doing wonderful things.

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
--Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
Received this li'l tidbit just now .... as to its veracity? Couldn't say - wouldn't doubt it a bit however.

"I asked J. R. Nyquist (columnist of WorldNetDaily) if he knew the pedigree of
the two big supporters of MMM. Suspect you might be interested in his response.


Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 13:04:42 EDT
Subject: Re: TRT-Thoughts on the Million Mom March Convention in Denver
To: (removed for privacy)

Dear Mr. Laughlin,

Thanks for writing to me about TRT's investigation of the Million Mom March Convention in Denver. You list two supporting organizations, the Packard Foundation (which gave $1 million) and the Emma Goldman Foundation (which gave a staggering $5 million). You asked if, to my knowledge, these were Communist fronts.

Emma Goldman was a red anarchist, who met with Lenin around 1919, and was asked the famous question: "When could the Social Revolution be expected in America?"

As an obnoxious pro-Bolshevik, Goldman was booted out of America on what was then called "the Soviet Ark." (There was a red scare in New York in 1919, and many communists of foreign extraction were deported to Russia.)

Goldman later expressed doubts about the Bolshevik Revolution, as I recall, but I might be confusing her later opinions with those of Angelica Balabonoff.

As for the Packard Foundation, I am not familiar with that organization or its history. Perhaps a trip to the library will reveal its Marxist pedigree as well. Please forward this, if possible, to the TRT people. Even if I'm foggy about the details of Emma Goldman's life, they should be able to find a great deal on her at the library, including her autobiography.

I am not yet convinced that they are a serious long term threat to our rights.
Yes they a superbly funded and laced with professionals.
But you are forgetting that there is indeed an election in November. Lots of organizations are liberally funded and laced with professionals right now.
I too suspect that the DNC and the White House/Gore Campaign are behind all this money and professionalism. My suspicions are heightened when I see that they have no actions planned beyond November of this year. Guys, that is an awfully short time span for any real grassroots political movement.
In short, I suspect that the real guts of this organization will, to the surprise of most, simply disappear after November.
If Gore were to win, they may find themselves with a new lease on life, depending upon what Gore sees as being in his best interest. The professionals surely would try their best to land jobs, any job, within the new administration. Their grassroots will disperse, to make what they can of the situation.
So don't let this impressive display of what money can buy get you too down. It is surprising how ephemeral such things can be.
And we have a far better track record.
"And we have a far better track record."

Nope. No we don't.

We have lost on almost every front. Sure. Thre has been some gains re CCW in several states but that's not what's at stake here.

HCI, VPC, (on & on) have made great inroads to our personal liberties re just firearms. Many other groups are doing likewise & it is a concerted attack against specific personal liberties - on many fronts. Firearms is only one.

Tell ya what, bro. The blood is in the water & these people smell it & are going for the throat.

If, by chance, "we" (a whole different topic as to who "we" is, no doubt) lose in this election, you can all but kiss it goodbye. And, if we do "maintain the lofty goals of This Constitutional Republic" (anybody even know what that's all about?), we will still be attacked on every front.

Educating the great unwashed as to what they have, let alone what they have to lose, is almost unapproachable in my mind .... too far, too fast ...

... dark days ahead & I'm a purly unadulterated optimist.

One look in these brave lady's eyes - take just one look .....

& really. Unbelievable! The difference between now & just 30 years ago is so telling about this country that it is no longer recognizable from what it once was.