hornady superformance at close range


New member
i know the rule of thumb for hunting bullets is to shoot what is most accutate.
currently i have three sub moa loads to choose from for my 7mm-08 two are 140 gr hanloads and the third is horn superformance 139 sst at 2900 plus fps. points of impact only digger by a half in.
i do a lot of still hunting so fange could be 30 yds also i hunt a few corn fields and range to 450 yds.
has anyone used 139 sst on game. my concern is will it come apart at high vel up close. should i use one of the 140s while walking through woods.
what would you do.
SST's have a reputation for rapid expansion. That might be a problem on larger game such as elk or larger bear where you need more penetration. Especially on less than perfect shot angles.

On deer the worst you'll get is more ruined meat. You don't say anything about the other 140 gr load, it may not be much different. Use the one you have confidence in.
the two 140s ate both sie one game king and one pro hunter at 2850. as far as confifence goes this is my first hunt with my rem 700. i know that all three loads are plenty accurate. justdont know what to expect on game.
Close shot with an SST might not work too well. They are thin jacketed bullets.

Just for thought, I would shoot nothing larger than a deer with an SST.

There are better bullets from Hornady available if that is the brand that you like.
I don't have experience with this load in 7mm-08. I do however with 150 SST's from Superformance in a .308. Here is a Pronghorn that I shot at about 90 yards this year with the above load. It was broad side angling slight towards me. Notice the exit hole which does not indicate a blown up bullet. In fact, it looks about perfect. It went straight down from the shot like it was dropped from an airplane.

SST's are made for thin skin animals. If it's elk or large bears use a correct bullet like an Accubond, TSX, etc.
Lots of deer with Interlocks, which is the same design. A 30 yard shot with a 30-30 is going to be explosive, but you should be able to plug the neck at that range with your scoped piece. Many years ago, I loaded a friends 722 in 30-06 with 150 Interlocks at 2600 because the 180 Corelokts were allowing deer to run off. He cussed me out after the first deer at 50 yards that blew the right leg off at the ham, but 6 deer didn't run off that year.
nice pronghorn.
i havent been able to find many bullets for my 7mm most carry horn or sie in every cal except 7mm. had to spec order the ssts, took two months to arrive. went to a small shop about an hour north of me and was supprised shop had ssts and 162 amax in stock as well as fed 210s and 215s. will have to go back and stock up.
that will be an off season project dont have time now to do any load workups as reg deer and bear season ipens sat.
my 700 didnt shoot the fact interlocks that well. used five boxes 1.5 in average gro blow up size, but did get reloafable brass.
thanks for your responses. will likely use ssts for longer range to avoid possible core jacket seperations.
I like Hornady InterBonds for my 270 Win. a bit over kill for antelope but at least they don't explode.

Bergers are killers as long as they min. velocity is 1800 fps but I don't like them on Antelope. There isn't enough meat on antelope as it is.

Berger exit wound at 320 yards.

I've used the Sierra gameking for my .308 up close on deer, it stayed together just fine with good expansion and complete penetration.
I use the 165 grain sst superformance factory load in my 3006. I've shot deer from 30 to 200 yards with it. I havent lost one deer or had any real noticeable meat loss. Put the bullet where it needs to go and no problem. It shoots very flat and fast which works great for me when i dont have time to pull out a rangefinder...sorry no pictures to show.
The 139gr SST should hold up just fine, lots of guys use them in 7mm Rem Mag. In my 7mm-08 I personally use 140gr Sierra Game Kings loaded to 2920fps with Ramshot Big Game, the lost hog that I shot with that load was real up close and personal about 15 feet away, and the bullet exited the far side no problem.
upstate thanks that is good to hear, 165 gr was my favorite wt in 06 best comprimise between flat trahectory and energy retention.

kachock how do you get 2920 most data i see max vel is 2850 ish with 140s. i run imr 4350. work pretty well on paper been getting .5 in groups at 160.
140gr SGK, 47.5gr of Ramshot Big Game, Rem Brass, CCI primers loaded to 2.777" Makes an average of 2922fps in my A-Bolt 22" barrel, groups a regular 0.75". No pressure signs in my rifle but that is a published max load so work up from around 44gr. Big Game and H380 are the only powders that give adequate performance in my 7mm-08.
Is a Hornady SST much different then a Nosler BT? Couple of years ago I plugged the biggest mulie doe I have taken with a 25-06 shooting 100 gr. Ballistc Tip at 3300 fps. at the muzzle. The doe was broadside at maybe 80 yards. Exit hole was maybe an inch or so. She turned 360 degrees and dropped. Blood shot area was the size of a big flapjack, right through the ribs. If that would have hit the shoulder it may have been less effective.

Heck, use the Superformance. ;)
Ballistic Tips are a little different then SSTs, both are wide wounding poly tips but I think the BTs expand and partially fragment a little quicker making for a little more "shock" on thin animals but the SSTs seem to exit with more of an authority leaving 2-3" exit wound with my 6.5mm. I hunt with whatever shoots better in that rifle, some rifles really love the scant ogive of the SSTs others do not. If they both shoot the same I prefer the BT for deer, I love the larger fragments making separate wound tract through the vitals, about half the bullet will be found in pieces against the far side of the rib cage with the heel of the bullet exiting, makes for some really spectacular kills.
Is a Hornady SST much different then a Nosler BT?
Pretty similar in terms of weight retention and wound channel characteristics. The SST has a slight advantage in this regard with a slightly less BC.

On game, I want my bullets to expand but, hold together. I want my bullet to travel through the animal on it's intended path the best it can. The exception would be on something like Prairie dogs.
well i shot my first deer with my rem 700. used the superformance sst. had one small to mid sized doe walk past me at 10 yards never knew was there, about an hour later six came by from rhe oppisite direction. 4 of this years fawns and 2 adult does. funny thing is the youngest saw me and alerted had to choose quickly which one to shoot. i chose the dmaller of the 2 adults. she turned and faced meafter
well i shot my first deer with my rem 700. used the superformance sst. had one small to mid sized doe walk past me at 10 yards never knew was there, about an hour later six came by from rhe oppisite direction. 4 of this years fawns and 2 adult does. funny thing is the youngest saw me and alerted had to choose quickly which one to shoot. i chose the dmaller of the 2 adults. she turned and faced me after id centeted my cross hairs had to take a neck shot.
the bullet entered and exited, the rxit wound was big enough to put my fist in, looked like it filleted the muscle from the bone.

sorry no pic cant get them to upload from my phone
Good job.

Here's a picture of a SST 140 grain fired from a 6.5 jap at 50 yards. Speed was about 2600.

The entrance hole must have sealed on impact so no blood there and the bullet turned to shrapnel. The deer fell to the ground dead in 13 long jumps without ever shedding a drop of blood. Gutting the deer lungs and heart were cut but the 140 grain was reduced to 78 and I don't know where the rest went.

I probably won't use them again on deer in 6.5. Probably going back to Interloc bullets for that. But I will continue to use their 240 grain SST in my Muzzleloader at 2000 fps.

Here's a picture of the 8 point that never bleed. My 5 point this year fell to the ground instantly with a 30-06 and winchester powerpoint at 2920.
