Hornady Question


Had a misfired bullet and wrote hornady about the box. was all over the place at 100 yards . change to their match and was within 1 inch 3 shot group. obviously the first box or lot was an issue. what happened next I wasn't expecting. they wrote back thanks but nothing we can do. I've spent 1000's of dollars on hornady and I expected them to say send it in and we will replace the box. am I wrong to expect that???

p.s now I'm going to start hand loading any suggestion on a good system besides hornady?
Never had a problem with Hornday bullets and I've shot hundreds of thousands of them over the last fifty + years. Guess you'll have to decide what you want to use. You haven't provided much info to comment on: Rifle or handgun? Caliber? Getting a bad group doesn't get you free bullets or anything like that. The only time I ever had anything that even resembled a problem with Hornady bullets was when I bought some lead bullets for a handgun and they didn't shoot well with the load I used with them. I tried a different powder and they worked just fine. Someone's upset with every company on a given day for one reason or another. Just as a general comment, some bullets just don't shoot well in some guns. You might have to try a different weight bullet to try if you're not reloading. If you aren't reloading, you're not always going to get the best accuracy out of your gun....you don't have any control on what you're shooting. If you decide to reload, you can't be too far off using Hornady bullets. They're generally as good as anyone elses.
Had a misfired bullet...
Do you mean that you had a cartridge fail to fire from a box of Hornady cartridges?

If I had a misfire involving factory ammunition, I would inspect my firearm to see if the gun was the problem...like needing a cleaning, oiling. I would not expect Hornady to get upset and all contrite about a single failure to fire.

I doubt that buying some other handloading system will cause them to regret your perceived mistreatment by them, but go ahead and get a Dillon if you wish to really punish them. That will show them. :)
Your rifle may not like that ammo. My Hawkeyes don't like some bullets and simply refuse to group them well without significant load development.

Secondly, Ruger ships these rifles with thick grease and a thorough cleaning is highly recommended before use

Do you have a picture of this unfired or squib load, whichever it may be.
For hunting for over 40yrs now, I've used Hornady bullet's without complaint. I like Horndy but I don't use their reloading equip. Afraid I don't see any purpose in their lock and load system. I've been screwing dies into and out of a press for over 40yrs now. Still like most of their bullet's though. I can understand your feeling's about the misfired round. Had Hornady had their duck's in a row, they would have got a new box to you and arranged to get the box back at their cost. The lost of dollar's to do it right vrs the loss of dollar's to walk away is staggering!

I do think you had some unrealistic expectations. From Hornady's perspective, there's absolutely no proof that there was a material defect in their product... so they can't assume the liability for it. The inconsistency of that ammo in your gun could have been caused by so many different things, there's no way to know if the ammo was actually defective.

Hornady creates some of the finest products in the cartridge world. I've had great success with their bullets. I've never bought loaded ammo from them, but heard mostly great things and I know they've worked hard to build that rep. I sincerely believe that if there was a way to prove that there was actually a defect, they would have made it right. But as it stands, can't expect them to do anything.
I understand they have a great round. The issue i have is 2 fold . First spend 10000 easy in ammo in last 10 years. Whats a 6 dollar box (guessing there cost) mean to them. And 2nd from a business point of view , dont they want to always improve their products. Maybe these primers are bad or maybe light on powder. Shouldnt they want to know for the price of an envelope. Disappointing
Hornady makes some of the best bullets and ammo out there. While I use RCBS for my reloading tools, I use quite a few Hornady bullets. As others have said....one fail to fire after 10 years and $10,000 worth of ammo is pretty impressive. Hornady is not going to send you a box of ammo without a legitimate reason and not because one cartridge outta $10,000 worth of ammo misfired. You want them to replace the one cartridge or are you looking for a whole box and maybe a hat? Odds are, before they did that, they'd ask you to send them the defective ammo on your dime. Me, I'd be looking at the gun and writing Ruger too....maybe they'll send you a gun.

BTW....did you try the cartridge a second time? While it may be a bad primer, odds are it could also have been a light primer strike. Being light on powder would have nuttin' to do with the round not going off, only poor performance or a squib/stuck bullet.
Never shot any Hornady ammo so no comment there. On reloading equipment, I go green, RCBS all the way. What few problems I've had with they stuff they fixed right away, no questions asked and replacement parts free. That includes replacement of the ram and pins for a Rockchucker press that has loaded over 15,000 rounds and the time of parts replacement. Can't beat that kind of customer service. :cool:
Paul B.
I might be noticing a pattern here.
Reminds me of some other recent posts about "defective" guns,parts,etc and subsequent drama.
I think I choose to not play.