I just processed a box of Hornady 416 Ruger. These go for about a buck a pop so they better be good, and I believe they are. I had stopped weighing my brass a long time ago - figure I'm going to use it all anyway - but I checked the 26 cases not yet loaded. Two were in the high 257gr range, all the others 258 or 259, with 19 of the 26 within one grain, which seems incredibly good for such a heavy case. Lengths were very uniform - only a few missed trim and when I was finished the pile of brass beneath the cutter was very small, just micro-flakes. I uniform flash holes and all holes seemed a bit snug, but none badly undersize, something i often find on cheaper brands. I did feel what must have been a lump or flash inside the case on a few, something I worry about since it might change the shape of the primer flame. I can't check metallurgy but I would say they have the slightly reddish tint I associate with most cartridges. It was interesting to see the chromium in Winchester, and yes, I've often thought Winchester was "whiter" than others. I think Hornady is the only source for 416 Ruger, but that's OK, they're fine by me.