Hornady 30 cal SST for elk?


New member
Any thoughts on Hornady's SST bullets for elk? I shoot a .30-06 and figure I'd use either a 165 or 180 grain bullet. The 165s have proven to be very accurate in my rifle.

I have some Nosler Accubonds and Partitions, but they are so danged expensive I don't want to get in the habit of using them. From what I read, the SST seems to be a good tough bonded bullet.

I've known guys that kill elk with pointy sticks (bow and arrow), so I suspect that any good bullet, placed properly will do the job. Although I've never hunted them, I did ask a guy once where was the best place to shoot an elk. He told me "as close to the pickup as possible."
Good story Dennis. Reminds me of the time I went rabbit hunting & almost bagged me an El Camino. I was about 11 and the owner of the El Camino got a little excited with my aiming (hey, they rabbit was running!).:D
I asked because I read on another thread recommendations to use a "good strong bullet" or "premium bullet". Accubonds and Grand Slams were mentioned specifically, maybe some others too. My rifle likes Hornady SSTs and they are cheaper than Noslers or other premium bullets, so I'd hate to have to work up another load. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! :D
"..."as close to the pickup as possible."..." That a moose and it's close to the road. snicker.
"...either a 165 or 180..." Go with the 165. The .30-06 loves 'em and they'll kill any game you care to hunt. Bit less felt recoil vs a 180 too. Don't think the bullet style really matters.
I just received my order of 180 grn Hornady Spire Points. They have almost as good a BC as the SSTs but are supposed to hold together better. At $25/box they are the same price as the SSTs.
From what I read, the SST seems to be a good tough bonded bullet
SSTs are not a bonded bullet, they use the Interlock ring on the interior of the jacket to retain the core. If you want a Hornady bullet that is bonded, you will need to go to the Interbond. Nosler partitions and Accubonds are pretty darn good.
Here is my recommendation for bullets in .30 calibers. If you use 180 grain cup and core hunting bullet for elk you will be fine. I prefer premium bullets if you go 165 grains of less. That way the retained weight of the bullet will be about the same in the end.

If you don't want to shoot Accubonds for practice get the Nosler Ballistic tip bullets. Usually they are very close to the same as far as loading and accuracy goes. Check out getting your bullets from Shooters Pro Shop, they sell Nosler factory 2nds and you can pick up good bullest for 1/3-1/2 the price. I haven't noticed any difference in how they shoot vs. the factory first.
flintlock, I shoot a .30-06 as well. Going elk hunting this fall, and I just ordered some Hornady SST 180gr shells. I was looking at the ballistic charts, and you can do no wrong with them.
I dont have the 30-06, But used a 270win last year with 130 GR. SST ON a spike Elk @ 150yrds. dropped him like a stone So you should have no problem with 165's just do your part & stay close to the truck:D:D
I was an elk guide for 9 years and have either taken myself or watched over 100 elk taken. I am also a student of terminal ballistics so I do have some experence. I prefer Nosler Partitions. I shoot everything from coyotes to buffalo with them. I have seen some collosal bullet failures. I never have shot the bullets you ask about but bonded bullets are a great leap forward. Normal cup and core bullets work fine if broadside lung shots are taken. However I seldom had an elk coopereate in standing broadside. Many were taken at difficult angles that required tough bullets with deep penatrating capabilities. I know they are expensive but elk hunts are far more expensive. Sight in with the bullet weight you want and when satisfied simply switch to a premium bullet and shoot 3 rounds at a target to comfirm shot placement. Remember elk are big and dont need benchrest accuracy to achieve a sucsessful hunt.
I agree with 30-30remchester on this one. I have seen several elk taken and some wounded that would have died quickly had the correct bullet been used. Practice with the cheap stuff and shoot a few of the premium loads to make sure it is on target at the ranges you will be hunting at. Elk are big and tough. If you stick with the SST use the 180 grain. If you get bonded core you can use the 165's. You need penetration to kill an elk quickly and to do that the bullet must be large enough or strong enough to get through hide, bone and both lungs. That's almost 2 feet of material on a large trophy size elk.
Do NOT use the SSTs.
Trust me on this.
I have hunted elk and guided hunters for MANY years and I have seen them fail several times.
They won't hold together.
Use the Partitions or the bonded bullets!
Accubond is the bullet I'd go for in our 3006, as for weight I'd let the range decide. Also if I were to be shooting at some longer ranges, I'd spring for some Sirroco's, but that's just me!;)
I use 150 SST on deer and they are excellent.
I wouldnt be scared at all of using your bullets on elk. We've killed MANY elk with 165gr bullets with no problems, just never tried SST's.

The ONLY time we've ever had problems knocking down an elk was with Nosler ballistic's. Those POS barely made it thru the hide before coming apart. I will NEVER use Nosler again. The cheaper Speer, Sierra and Hornady are all I'll shoot. Never had a performance problem, but the cost is WAY more worth it.

Actually, now that I think about it, all I shoot is home cast boolits anymore. Those are way more fun and I'm extremely happy with the performances I've been getting.:)
The SST is not a bonded bullet, and is not designed for tougher game (such as Elk).

Use something else. Even the Remington Core-Lokt is a tougher bullet, than the SST.
Yes, elk are big and demand an adequate cartridge and bullet. I have a friend who spent many years in Africa after he retired. He was an eye doctor, and dissected many of the animals he or others killed.
After several hundred head of big game he concluded that the Barnes X was the best bullet available. Before he started using them he used Nosler partition bullets exclusively. He found some of the highly touted bullets did not live up to expectations. Once a magazine that he sometimes wrote for, after asking him to do some testing, refused to publish his article because the bullet, from an advertiser, did not get a good review. That was the end of that relationship.

I have no experience with the bullets mentioned, but why skimp on bullets when you get a chance to go elk hunting. The cost of the bullets is miniscule when compared with the total cost of the trip. Get the best and don't look back.

I will NEVER use Nosler again. The cheaper Speer, Sierra and Hornady are all I'll shoot. Never had a performance problem, but the cost is WAY more worth it.

You can't blame Nosler.. You did not use the right tool for the job.. Shooting an Elk with a Sierra Gameking will produce similar results..
OK. The consensus is that I should use something sturdier than an SST on elk.

BTW, I've had good luck with SSTs on antelope and whitetails. The only time I had any severe destruction was when the bullet hit bone, but isn't that normal? The first picture below shows the exit wound of a deer I shot with a 165 gr SST at 50 yards. Not much tissue destruction here and the deer didn't go 15 ft!


The next pictures show the inlet and exit wounds of a doe I shot at 62 yards. The small dark spot between her ear and eye is the inlet wound.

I expected an impressive exit wound after hitting bone, but this surprised me. (Not much meat damage though!)

I've used these last two pictures as graphic emphasis to young shooters why you must ALWAYS make safety your number one priority. (Just today at the range folks were getting ready to go downrange. I asked one young shooter if his rifle was clear. He said, "Yeah, the safety is on." We corrected that IMMEDIATELY!)