Hornaday 200 +P for deer?


New member
I plan on taking my 45ACP with me deer hunting as a backup to my rifle and was wondering what more experianced hunters thought of this load. Any shots would be under 25yards from a braced position. I'll be hunting in middle Tennessee (110-150lbs on the hoof.)
Given the circumstances you describe, I've heard worse ideas. If you can truly say you're an above-average shot, and don't get "buck fever", it'll work. But I'd do some careful practicing before you go...

Here in Md, the GM and 45 ACP do not generate enough ME to be legal, Check your laws and with the DNR first.

I've given a Coup De Grace to a couple Md Whitetails(bigger than Tn ones) with my GM, it works but requires careful placement and close range.
Speaking for myself, a hunter in the thick timber and harwood creek bottoms of South Arkansas, all a handgun does is get in the way. It's so thick that it would be very easy to have a vine yank your pistol out while in hot pursuit of a thicket buck.

You need to look at a shorter rifle like a Marlin 30-30 or Remington Model 7 that can be quickly manipulated for quick shots on a wounded deer. I a have hunted for 29 years since the of 7 and I have never had the need for a handgun as backup. All it does is create excess baggage and I love handguns!

Forget about shooting a huge cartridge. Consider a lighter kicking round like a .308, .260 Rem, .243 Win, 30-30 etc. that can be easily shot on the fly without knocking your head off. I learned this the hard way toting a 30-06.
The only time I carry a pistol when deer hunting is during black powder season here in north west Arkansas.I have a cap and ball ruger old army.I have used it to finish off two different deer that other people had wounded.It works good to about 30yds.During regular gun I don't want to pack the extra weight plus if I can't kill it with the rifle I sure as heck ain't gonna get it with the pistol.the only exception is if I take a wild hare to hunt with just a pistol,which I do ocasionaly.I did shoot one doe with the 45 auto once I was using a 200grain hollow point.It did the job ok but I was not all that impressed.