Horn Cleared by TX Grand Jury

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Horn is a very lucky man.

I agree with that. I would caution anyone from putting too much into this as if the two BG's had not been illegals with a rap sheet as long as both arms and other extenuating circumstances I suspect Mr. Horn may not have been quite as lucky.

The old defense of "He needed killing" still works sometimes and it appears that this could have been one of those cases. If it had been two college students with a clean record (I know they wouldn't be BG's but pretend) the outcome could have been quite different.
Well I'm supprized

at the outcome. I had professed that I felt the guy had gone to far in his self defence. Obviously I was wrong in my opinions. A jury made a decision and that is that.
I don't think so. The law in Texas is very plain, as I pointed out in this thread, Texas law states:


A person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to
protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person
under the circumstances as he reasonably believes them to be, the
actor would be justified under Section 9.41 or 9.42 in using force
or deadly force to protect his own land or property and:

(1) the actor reasonably believes the unlawful interference constitutes attempted or consummated theft of or criminal mischief to the tangible, movable property;
The fact that Quanell X is all flusterated just warms the cockerels of my heart. Good for Joe! May those dead scumbags rot in Hell!

Why? I'm certain, without some background text (provided by the link and not the OP), most would not remember the incident talked about in the link.

thallub, please review the rules on drive-by posts. They can be found in this "stickied" thread.
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