Horizontal mag pouch


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Does anyone have a recommendation for one? I need one for a Glock 23 mag.

Wouldn't recommend one. Horizontal magazine pouches are an attempt to reduce printing for those with an overly-expanded waist line.

On guys whose girth in the chest-to-waist region makes it difficult for them to see their shoes, the typical vertical pouch contributes to the phenomenon in concealed carry known as "printing" - because the pouch is holding the mag up while the body is pushing it out, hardly an aid to concealment. Horizontal pouches, more or less, hold the mag in tighter and more discreetly, roughly parallel with the belt or waist line.
So for big guys it aids concealment.

The downside is that the positioning of a horizontal pouch makes for a slower draw, especially if it uses a retention flap to keep the mag inside, at least as compared to the time it takes to access a spare mag from a vertical pouch during a tactical or speed reload.

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It kind of depends on how one's arm and elbow works, too.
If there's something that prevents the arm and elbow from pulling a mag straight up, the horizontal pouch might be helpful.
There's also slanted versions for a compromise solution.
Whatever works is good.
As for a recommendation, there's versions from all the major makers.
Hard to say what you might like the best.
Probably one with an adjustable tension.
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Ive been using a Blade Tech single mag pouch with the Tec Loc rotated 90* for about three months now. I carry it at the 11:30 position on my belt (drawing to the left), opposite my 17, at 12:30.

Im about 10 pounds over weight these days, but I dont have a gut. I can see my belt buckle when I look down.

I find the mag is about invisible on my belt, especially against a black belt. I also find its quicker and easier to access than the double vertical pouch I normally use, at around 8:00.
The downside is that the positioning of a horizontal pouch makes for a slower draw, especially if it uses a retention flap to keep the mag inside, at least as compared to the time it takes to access a spare mag from a vertical pouch during a tactical or speed reload.

The magholder does not have a retention strap, and I have found it to be just a fast as a vertical mag pouch, but much more comfortable and easier to conceal. I'm not fat either...
I find the magholder is actually easier and faster, plus my left index finger automatically is placed on the bullet in the mag for fast insertion into the gun. The magholder has very good retention....have never had a mag fall out in over 3 months of daily use. I am buying one for my M&P 45 as soon as it's available.
I watched some of mag holders videos and I ordered one tonight. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
I'm right handed, and found that it works best for me just right of center, around 1:00. Try it in a few different positions to see what works best for you. I also probably should have mentioned earlier, but use coupon code "gundudes" for a little savings.
I recently bought a Safariland 123 horizontal mag holder for my Glock 14 Gen 4 mag and I like it although it has a Velcro retention flap. It is black leather and doesn't look like a mag holder when I wear it and the mag does not show. I would consider buying the Magholder as I think it is a good product and it doesn't have a retention flap. I am concerned that some of the mag is visible and the holder is made of a black plastic material that people would ask me "what's that on your belt" when wearing a tucked in shirt.

Those previous posters that say it conceals well - please explain why you say this? Thanks.
horizontal v. vertical

I carried a double pouch, horizontally on the holster (strong) side for a number of years on a duty belt, as the horizontal arrangement did not gouge my gut or crotch when stooping, kneeling, traversing obstacles, etc. Several guys of my acquaintance did, irregardless of girth. It just limited the vertical depth of clutter on the duty belt.

I switched after loosing a mag from a horizontal pouch one night in the dark. Hung the snap on something in or around the vehicle while loading a deer decoy in the cargo area. The pouch apparently popped open, and in the gyrations of stuffing the deke, 'chute panel and whatever else we were fooling with, the mag came out onto the ground. We were standing around later and one of the guys noticed I'd lost a mag. Went back and there it laid where we loaded the SUV.

Thought to myself, .....I'm sure glad I didn't need that. Moved my cuffs to a more central position, but ahead of the holster, and moved the mag pouch to my left (off side) and vertical. I can jsut reach the mags with either hand. Took a bit of retraining, and for a while I was trying to "load my cuff's", but got past that soon enough.