Hooray...... Photobucket lives again!


New member
I don't know what happened, but our pics are no longer hostage. :) The old threads make sense again and all of our great bullet pictures have been restored! :D
I guess they found out nobody was going to stay if they raised the price to a few hundred bucks, when it had previously been only $10 a year for memberships.
I deleted my pics and my account right after they sent me the "ransom note." Some forums also cleaned up the dead links after the incident. It is good news that at least some of the old picture heavy threads are somewhat restored. I moved on. Not going back to PB.
No, I wouldn't encourage going back if you have moved on..... but at least some of the "how-to" and other informational threads have been restored. I know there are at least a couple of those threads that I am now going to make a copy of, for when this happens again in the future. I thought they would always be there for a resource, but I guess nothing is forever.
I deleted my Photobucket account as well and moved all my pics to another host. I want be going back either.
I'm amazed Photo Bucket is still around, was hoping they'd belly up by now. Why would you even think of going back?
Photobucket is a victim of people expecting to get everything for free on the internet. Unlike selling crack, you can't give away your product for free and then start charging. People will just find a different source of free crack.

They handled it VERY poorly, but I have no animosity toward them for wanting to make a profit from their service.
The poor handling was their downfall. Now nobody I know trusts them. They should have grandfathered in all the existing uploads, then starting charging for new ones. Like most people, I just downloaded copies of what I had there. Today I haven't gone to another host, but instead use the board's Advanced features to host the photos here so they can't be deleted like that again. I feel like it's a "fool me once…" sort or situation, and I have no idea when they may conduct another ill-considered change. I'm just not interested in finding out, so they are off my radar.