Hooray for Oprah!


New member
I fretted all day about how the Oprah show was going to come out. Oprah is like a god to many people - whatever she says is the truth, the end.
She went to Colorado live today to speak about the high school assault, and I thought for sure it was going to be the end if/when she bashed guns and got all her followers on the bandwagon. I was just cringing, waiting for all the emotional moms to jump up and start ranting about guns being to blame.
No such thing.
Oprah spoke to a psychologist about the whole issue, and he and she both agreed that our society is violence based in all age groups and that we need to "disarm the heart", NOT disarm America. They agreed that getting rid of guns would do no good, we need to change the way people solve their problems. They stated that even if we got rid of guns, it would not change anything because the violence would still be in people's hearts.

Oprah even said : "Some people are saying that we need to put these locks on guns, but I don't see how that has anything to do with it....that would not solve a thing and has nothing to do with what happened".

I was slack-jawed.
There still ARE people that have some "common sense" in this country.

Whew! I am relieved.

Too bad Rosie O'donnell show completely bashed guns. Rosie stood up and said we need to get over our love affiar with guns. I was very disappointed in it but expected it. I always thought Opra was strongly anti-gun. I might try to find her E-mail and thank her
as someone posted earlier, in this day and age, a real letter may have more impact. It is easy to sit own and send an email, you really don't take any time out of you day to do that, but to sit down and locate the mailing address, write a thank you letter, takes time, and it means that you care about issue, but thats just my opinion
I'll second what Chink said it's so easy to send a e-mail but to send a letter is the way to really get your point across, I always send a letter to follow up after sending a e-mail.
I might add that Oprah even used the word "bizarre" to describe the way people blame guns for violence and that locks would help the situation. She had the same dumbfounded look and shrug that we all have when these anti-gunners blame guns for violence. The logic just doesn't add up.

I don't watch Oprah, but I know what clout she has, and heard that she was going to do a show on the killings, so I had to see the outcome.

I am sorry to hear about Rosie O'Donnel. Her agenda is just recently coming to light, and she certainly does have one. She also, unfortunatly, has a lot of avid followers.


[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited April 21, 1999).]
Oprah is a country girl and she has had experience with guns from the necessary standpoint of getting food.

Rosie is a moron from NYC, came from a seriously dysfunctional family and thinks because she adopted a baby she is the best thing since sliced bread