Hoohah!! Rosie taking bigtime flack


Moderator Emeritus
1) The ad agency that worked her Children's foundation dropped her because of the Tom Selleck incident and for being hypocritical vis the K-Mart connection
2) Hollywood types are condemning her
3) Entertainment Tonite poll results "Did Rosie go too far?" 67% YES 33% NO

Comic relief...She issued a statement defending her K-Mart gig and K-Mart: "They sell hunting rifles which are legal, not handguns and assault rifles".....funny, a couple weeks ago she stated that ALL GUNOWNERS should be put in prison and ALL guns should not be allowed in private hands.
In the immortal words of our fearless TFL leader: Hey Rosie...think twice, speak once

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 21, 1999).]

My wife has been keeping an eye on her show starting this week. Saw the ambush.

Ms O'Donnell is also back peddleing on another front. Not only did she make a "canned speech" on her show today she also stated that she is NOT a spokesperson for K-Mart.

Hmmmmmm Tom Selleck does ONE ad for the NRA and he is a Spokesperson... Rosie does numerous ones for K-Mart and she is not.

She said on her show that she has had meetings with K-Mart every day (wonder WHO scheduled them <G>). With her canned speech today it seams to me that the "owners" are reining in their "dog".

Doing so tells me K-Mart has been taking notice of the incoming flack over Ms O'Donnell. This ultimately tells me that they could be starting to view her as a liability... hence the spin doctoring on her show today.


We have them on the run... lets push for the final objective!

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Let us not forget what K-Mart did to Fuzzy Zoeller.

Fuzzy made a lame joke, albeit ill advised, about the dinner at that golf tourney that Tiger Woods won. Fuzzy made a lame stereotypic joke about culinary desires of Afro-Americans and was fired.
Rosie advocates breaking the law, imprisoning law abiding Americans for legal activities and she skirts.

I love this....now Corporate America is drawn in big businesses are gonna be badly damaged....no more hiding, choose your side and lock and load (figuratively of course ;))

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Yeah...Kmart doesn't sell "assault rifles"... And: would she care to define that term? "Assault rifles" were banned in 94. Kmart sells guns that shoot just as well or better than "assault rifles" though! As we all know, she doesn't have any clue what an assault rifle is, just that "it shoots 5 rounds a second". And, how many guns can NOT potentially shoot five rounds second? Ever seen a good Western? Believe that Oswald shot Kennedy? Not many.
If an "assault rifle" is something that shoots five rounds a second, than Rosie should be horrified at the sight of all of those "assault shotguns/rifles" in K mart's gun cases. Technically speaking, a shotgun can shoot anywhere from one to hundreds of projectiles when the trigger is pulled once. And if a slug barrel is used on a shotgun, it has a "rifled" bore that could (loosely) classify the shotgun as a rifle.
I think she and many people do not DEFINE an assault rifle - rather they LABEL assault rifles as such.

Seems to be the deciding factor is the color BLACK. BLACK GUNS ARE BAD. BROWN GUNS ARE OKAY.

The answer is simple folks... Lets get all our black guns and refinish then to look like polished walnut! Glocks too...

I live in the Metro Detroit area, near Troy, where K-Mart's HQ is located. A blurb in the local paper stated that K-Mart was not going to dump Rosie "as a spokesman", with the typical "she has a right to speak her opinion, blah, blah, blah". Based on her backpedalling remark in the post above, I guess it just depends what your definition of "is" is.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
KMart is in bigtime competition with Wal Mart
and has only recently appeared to have a chance of making it.
I agree that now is the time to push for Rosies walking papers.

Better days to be,

this morning I started to put some receipts in the mail to Kmart, (soon as I can find an address), were I purchased things from there compeition ..walmart...about $90 worth....If anyone can help me locate that address...please post it.....It probably should go to their corporate hq....tks fubsy.
This is my first post. I have been lurking for a few months to get a feel for The Firing Line; the O'Donnell/Kmart issue helped me decide to join.

Fubsy asked for an address for Kmart - here it is:

TROY MI 48084-3163

Kmart's chairman, president and CEO is Floyd Hall. I got this info from the Kmart Internet site: www.kmart.com .

I sent Hall a two page letter stating that I was boycotting Kmart until O'Donnell was fired or she retracted her enemy-of-the-Bill-of-Rights statements.

Best wishes to all members of The Firing Line.

Slowpoke Rodrigo...he pack a gon...

[This message has been edited by Slowpoke_Rodrigo (edited May 24, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Slowpoke_Rodrigo (edited May 26, 1999).]
I sent an e-mail to Kmart telling them that O'Donnell's comment was a worse insult than the comment about Tiger Woods. I also told them that I would not shop at Kmart until they fired O'Donnell. Furthermore, I told them that I would ask my friends and neighbors to do the same. I also mentioned that the above would be real easy since there was a new Walmart in town!!!


Send a copy of your receipt to the local store manager also. They get HUGE bonus checks that are tied directly to their stores performance.

Let's put pressure on from INSIDE their organization!
