Honoring what we harvest..........


New member
The Christmas Ham (Pig) went on at 4:00 this ( Jan. 1 ) morning............came off at 4:30 in the afternoon. Say what you want about big uncut boars but this one was as good as a pig can be. Not a bit of off taste, not tough either and just enough fat.

He spent about 48 hours in a brine ( 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup of salt & 1 tablespoon of Pink Cure Salt per gallon of water. ) and then last night he got dried off and rubbed down with a maple sugar rub. Kept the fire averaging 225-250 with half wood ( oak & hickory )and the rest natural charcoal ( Home made! ).

About the only things I'd of changed is that I'd of had more maple sugar to add as he cooked and I'd of started him a couple of hours earlier so that he'd come off the bone even easier.

All in all a great way to spend the day.......and honor the pig for his life.



Now that's what I call a barbeque. Nice smoker /cooker too. You build that yourself? Thanks for the homemade brine recipe and cook temp. Very few give that info up. 10" of snow on the ground here and your barbequing in the back yard today.> "Ain't fair!!" :(
You have stumbled onto a subject that is a burr under my saddle and a source of embarrassment. Nothing the OP or other posters have said or done is wrong. What I am talking about is hunting programs on tv. When some "hunter" shoots an animal, so many giggle like a bunch of high school girls who just got their first kiss. They run and jump and laugh, and slap each other on the back.Where is the respect for the animal? I watched a well renounded hunter shoot a huge bull elk, then let him wander around in pain for quite some time till he finally died. There was limitless chances to end his suffering ,but no he wanted a one shot kill. I was embarrassed for the whole hunting community. Even though I have shot more big game than I care to admit, I still kneel down next to my harvest and give silent thanks. Seems only fitting in my opinion.
Might sound a little funny, but i kneel next to the animal and with my hand on its heart, i thank it for feeding my family. Been doing that ever since my first whitetail harvest in '94. I refuse to watch tv hunting shows, not the way i want to be represented as a hunter. And surely dont want ted nugent as my spokesman. Imho.
Deer, turkeys, quail, doves, crows, bobcats and foxes even I'd show honor to for the chase. But I ain't doing jack crap for a pig or coyote, I'd shoot a pig in the butt with a pellet gun if I thought it would get gangrene and die.