Hong Kong Police?

Daren Thompson

New member
I know this sounds stupid, but one of the things that several militia groups believe is that the government (thruogh United Nations) has a plan to use chinese police to confiscate Americans firearms. I TOTALY disregareded this as most people would as complete nonsense. However in reading the book Unintended Consiquences by John Ross this is mentioned. I know this book is fiction, but it seems to me that he researched his book very well anf this coment was made in the present day ,so to speak. Is there any small shread of some sort of silly truth to this?

P.S. How do U like the book Rich? How far are U

I have friends who served (now retired) in the Royal Hong Kong Police. I also know some ex-Royal Hong Kong Police officers (now Hong Kong Police) and they (Superintendent level) have no knowledge of it.

The original rumor was that HK police officers were going to be granted immigration visas to help us combat the Triads which purported came when the commies came marching in. Well, the Triads came over long before the commies came in and HK Police freely provide info to other LE agencies. No need for visas.

Further, I'd like to muse that we'd be a lot safer if the average HK police officer came over here than if our own cops did the dirty deed Daren mentioned. For one thing, the average HK police can't shoot. Many American civilians fire more ammunition in a year than the average HK police officer. Only a few really do a lot of shooting (their firearms instructors do and some of them are amongst the best I've seen with a SMG) but no one I know can mimick the John Woo style from Hong Kong film.

[This message has been edited by 4V50 Gary (edited 02-08-99).]
I thoroughly enjoy the book. I'm up to 1992. The plot which spans 4 generations(?) of persons involved in key 2nd Amendment events is novel and important. Ross is a good author but, lets face it...he's not exactly Mario Puzo.

The book is just "extreme" enough to render it unsuitable for lending to "anti-self defense" friends. They'd never believe it. I'm not enamored with the way the "anti's" are portrayed as bumbling fools in a loose knit conspiracy....however, as a non-writer, I couldn't hope to improve it.

In short, I recommend it highly as historical fiction and a view of how it *might* go in future.

I think you make some very valid observations, regarding the chances of the HK police to confiscate our guns.

Furthermore, the chance of Chinese troops of any kind coming into our country by request seems like something that would give a whole lot of people an excuse to get ugly (do I see any hands??)

On the topic of UC:

John Ross' book is fiction, but it is so interlaced with historical fact that you forget sometimes. I do not claim to speak for John, though he is a friend. While you may notice that Tom Clancy has an uncanny ability to "predict" things in his books, I do not think that was John's intention at all. The facts in his book (even the little known ones he helps bring to light) are historical ones. His future potentials are just that, potentials. Ones that may be avoided if people realize where we are going and hit the brake on this run-away train.

When I first read UC I thought I had finally found someone who really understood everything I had been tyring to explain to everyone else. John and I crossed paths (okay, I put myself in his path) and I found out that we had quite a bit in common. John is a very intelligent and articulate man (okay, maybe we we don't have that much incommon ;)),but he is also a die-hard gun enthusiast and a real speed freak. In addition to a collection (9) of custom street bikes, he just bought a Viper Coupe.
John has been a very successful businessman and is currently develpoing his politcal career while simultaneously working on the UC sequel and a screenplay for UC. His career in investment reached a high point with EF Hutton (he was a VP there) and then he started his own firm.
He does have a quarry in which he does most of his shooting. If it is Class III, he loves it. He shoots clay pigeons with a MacMillan .50 BMG, offhand (I've seen him do it), and his not bad with a Shotgun, either.

He will be attending the shoot I run in Ohio again this year, if anyone is interested in showing up and meeting him.

I know that there is no chance of HK police coming to get my guns. I just want to make that very clear and not sound like an idoit. I just wondered were this idea came from and UC just made me more curious. Thanks for the info

I would like to comment on UC ,but do not want to spoil it for Rich. I will say this 3/4 of the way through it I thought it was a very good book(probably for the same reason as Rob, it was just what I have beeen trying to say) , I agree the ATF guys are all portrayed as bumbling idoits with a sinister motive-not so in real life. I won't comment on the ending just yet.

My apologies and there was no intent to belittle or embarass you or anybody else. I know that the mention of HK police came from the book (which I've not read) and it's good that we have such a forum where all of us can draw upon in the spirit of camaraderie and friendship. Thank you for bringing up the issue for those of us who aren't such literary enthusiasts.

Ignorantly yours,

Primo Scellerato
I never thought you have sounded like an idiot, Daren. You have made it clear over the last few months that you will ask a question after you have consider it and not just post to waste everyone's time.

The HK Police question is really a microcosm of the "UN Troops" question, which I think may have more validity. It is not unlikely that, in the event of any type of mass registration/confisctation of certain (or all...) firearms, the US would consult with foreign Police/military units that have been involved in such actions before. Such consultations would almost certainly involve foriegn troops on our soil. (remember our Green Berets in Vietnam.....)

Now it is my turn to say sorry. I NEVER even thought you all were being sarcastic in your answers I quess I was just a little self concous about putting such a wild idea out in public. I Truely appriciate any and all info and never meant my reply to infer that .
No need to apologise. Following up on Rob's answer, there is considerable rumor that UN troops will be brought in to "police" the US if some sort of chaotic civil unrest occurs. There are rumored to be massive amounts of foreign troops cycled in and out of the US for "training" purposes.

Do an internet search on...Robert Fuller; William Irwin Thompson. These fellows have written about it. Hope it helps

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
All: I haven't read the UC book you described, but it certainly sounds interesting....maybe I need to pick up a copy...I know I enjoyed Red Dawn a few years back and am a Clancy fan. Please allow me to offer this observation, however. I'm getting ready to retire after approx 25 years of enlisted and commissioned military service. About half of he last 20 were spent in Military Police assignments and finally (after I got sick of MP work) in the Special Operations community. DC, you mentioned "...rumors concerning massive quantities of foreign troops being filtered in and out of the US for training..." or words to that effect. Although as a mere LTC, I'm not privy to everything, my experience has been just the opposite. Most of the training of foreign military personnel in the US consists of a few hundred (if that many) foreign officers (rarely NCOs or troopies) who attend various service staff and specialty schools (CGSC, School of the Americas, The Army or Naval War Colleges, Airborne and Ranger Schools, SEAL (BUDS) tng, SF Q Crs, Flight School, etc) each year. The German AF does maintain a presence at Holliman AFB learning to fly F4s as the weather in GE and noise restrictions, etc make pilot training difficult, so they have leased buildings, etc from us in sunny NM. Perhaps the more disturbing things we military types hear/read about are civilian and militia reports of the so called "black helecopters" that ferry UN troops about, hover over our cities , scare the local populace, etc. The US Army and USAF SOF aviation communities do conduct exercises in urban areas from time to time...this is well known and is planned and coordinated with appropriate local/county/state government well in advance. But again, these are US forces training w/US rotary wing AC, w/ US SOF operators on board training to protect this nation as they have sworn to do. IMHO, none of the soldiers I've served with and personally known in peace and war over the past 20+ years would ever conciously take part in any training or op designed to deny US citizens their constitutional rights. At least, that's they way I've seen it. (Yeah, I know my profile will be seen, and some wil say "....Yeah, yeah, yeah, what else do you think this guy would say?...". Not much I can say or do about that, but reiterate that the military I know would not stand idly by and watch our nations' liberties get snatched out from our feet. Nuff said.
UC is a FACTUAL chronicle of the ongoing disaster called "gun control", and how it affects a FICTIONAL set of characters. Just a few of the real-life events covered in extreme detail:

1) Various screwups on the part of feds, including Waco and Ruby Ridge

2) Exacting chronicle of the events surrounding US vs. Miller

3) The Bonus Army debacle

4) The Miami '86 FBI shootout

And many more. A few characters are fictional in name but based on real people and situations; the prez of Second Chance is a bit player, and the ranting he does about bullet proof vest design and stands is a real, serious issue...but his name and Second Chance's are changed because he's put in fictional surroundings.

ALL of the gun technology and weaponshandling is 100% real - and COOL.

Sidenote: I read UC not long before "Starship Troopers" hit the screen. Decent flick, but...ridiculous weapons and tactics. I had this crazy mental image of Henry Bowman's great-great-granson or whatever getting sick and tired of them little pea-shooter infantry rifles, grabbing a certain old family heirloom and doing "one shot one kill" on bugs with a certain old 4bore... :D :D :D

UC is a MUST READ. John Ross ROCKS!

Jim March