Homicide rates and the anti-gun media reports


New member
I have looked at the media claims about leo homicides and the need to make our officers safer. I don't think the data support the claim that officers are outgunned at all?

I have found some better data dealing with the number of police homicide victims. But I have not yet found good data on the criminal history of victims.

The number of state and local police killed in 1996 was 56 and in 1997 was 65.

The number of federal agents killed in 1996 was 3 and in 1997 was 2.

The police officer census for 1996:

State and local sworn officers population was 663,535 enduring 56 homicides for a rate of 8.4 /100,000.

Federal lagent population was 74,500 enduring 2 homicides for a rate of 2.7/100,000

A composite of the police and federal populations would result in a homicide rate of 7.9/100,000

The national rate of homicide in 1996 was 7.4/100,000

For comparison to the total numbers of homicides for various types of workers in a BJS publication "Workplace Violence" the average number of homicides for retail clerks was 327 per year, for managers was 150 and for taxi drivers and chauffeurs was 74.

Of course my interest in this is the media stories which indicate that the police are "outgunned" and that gun-control legislation is needed to make police safe. It appears that the rates of homicide for police are quite in line for the population as a whole. (This is not true when considering the rate of assaults on police officers).

I have posted info on this topic in the past but have gotten more current data.

This is not an anti-leo post.

But I do have one more controversial question, why do politicians allow leo to use weapons not allowed to non-leo?? (eg suppressors, high capacity mags made after 1994, full-auto, short barreled shotguns etc)

Is there convincing evidence that these tools are a critical part of modern law enforcement?

Or is it simply that the laws are passed more easily if the exemptions for leo are in them so the Chiefs around the nation who support gun control legislation get less flack from the street cops? Why do cops put up with that crap?

What are your thoughts?

Rob, chime in...

Interesting data.
I don't think any group is out for disarming the various law enforcement agencies, its the "people" that need to be disarmed in their eyes. Why would you want to disarm the good guys anyway????? Oh, wait a minute that would mean that I'm considered a bad guy?!? How did that happen???????

Be a statistic.
I think Noels point is that the cry about police being under-gunned is a false claim, not that the police need to be dis-armed.

The statistics would seem to bear that out.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
You can also play an interesting game with these numbers. Since most people will accept that police officers are more likely to come in contact with 'bad/dangerous' people on a day to day basis than the average Joe and Jane, why isn't their homicide rate significantly larger?

_Police carry guns._

(Of course, I will also assert that a call of "Officer needs assistance" or "Officer down" will likely receive a faster response time than a 911 call from the average Joe or Jane.)
Law Enforcement is the only "trade" in the USA where the worker can be told "SHUT UP (forget the Bill of Rights) or you will be fired...AND maybe sent to prison..." --RIGHTLY SO, you don't want the accused tried in the streets based on limited info available to one or two cops on very short notice...-- UNFORTUNATELY, the authorized spokesperson(s) for Law Enforcement are political hacks who are more worried about getting their budget approved than gun rights or anything else.

Join LEAA [ www.leaa.org ](?) Law Enforcement Alliance of American if you want to know how real street cops feel and how they are abused by political hacks and "union leaders" ...