Homeowner kills persistent burglar

Well another one for your next book or two.

Homeowner 1 Burglar 0

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Sometimes things just turn out the way they are supposed to.


Anyone worth shooting, is worth shooting twice...
I couldn't believe it. A fast, snappy, "tell it like it is" report. No liberal slant, no "evil gun" tirade. What is the world coming to?

I thanked the reporter, Brian Geller, at --

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I think that a few members of the press, just a few mind you, are finally starting to open their eyes and their brains.
There are a few members of the press who are on our side. Not enough, though.

And people wonder why I like shotguns so much... ;)
I am told by several Phoenix residents that a woman in Phoenix shot a man in the back who was making a "beer run" in her store.
As he was running out the door, she plugged him in the back and killed him.
No charges were filed against her.
Her reasoning was that she "was tired of that guy running in her store and stealing beer". Apparently this man had been making regular "beer runs" to her store for a while.

Gotta love Arizona. That kinda stuff happens there all the time. Where I live, they would have strung that woman up for shooting a man in the back for a property crime. She may have ridden a fine line in what she did, but I tell you waht, that kind of incident makes it real unappealing for the next criminal to risk his life for a case of beer.
bestdefense - I heard a story on the radio yesterday (WBIG in D.C.) of an old lady in Florida who found a burglar about to leave her home after stealing some Christmas presents and, I believe the reporter said, her Christmas tree! She shot him with a .25 cal handgun. He dropped the goods and ran and was later arrested by the police. There was no info on the location in FL. Have you heard anything of this one?
As clear a case of the self-defensive use of a firearm as I've ever heard of. I expect that the homeowner's action will deter other criminals from attempting similar invasions.

BTW, it should be obvious that the homeowner would not be charged with a crime in such a case. In my politically left-wing area, however, although he probably wouldn't have been convicted of anything, he wouldn't have gotten off so readily either. The DA would have tried to score political points by pronouncing against the homeowner's "vigilantism," and the local media and gun haters would have distorted the incident to fuel their agenda. Ugh!

I haven't heard about that case here in Florida, but will check some of the online newspapers for it. Florida law is clear in stating that if an intruder is in your house, you can shoot him. There have been several cases where the perp was shot in the back as he was leaving and as far as I know, none have been prosecuted. Dade County (Miami), however, is another country and I wouldn't want to try it down there.

In kinder, gentler days my car broke down on the highway. I climbed the hill to get help and came to a fence. Calling over, an old lady appeared and I explained that my car broke down and asked to use her phone. She gave me entry into her house and I called a tow truck and my father. My business finished, I gave her some money for use of her phone, thanked her and left.

Today, if someone were to ask permission to knock on my door and ask to use the phone, I'd make the call for him (and have my gun discretely at hand).

Burglars like Brian Keith Franklin ruin it for the rest of us. He received his just reward.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt