Homemade Demooner for Half-Moon Clips


New member
Recently I saw a home made demooner for removing 45ACP rounds from the half-moon clips used in my S & Wesson 625-8 revolver. Any body have a plan or drawing that shows how to make them?
SDC Thanks for your useful info. I hunted ducks in Manitoba for a couple of years ,but I became tired of border hassles and fees. God Save the Queen
Guy at the range gave me one of Brownell's moon clip devices, because he didn't know what it was. I didn't know what it was for a while.

It's just sitting on my desk, as I have no intentions of ever using moon clips.
AlleyKat: I just ordered demoon items from Brownells,otherwise you would have a buyer here. Do you have the clips themselves or the tool to or unload them?
DD698, if you're looking for other assorted handy accessories for wheelgunners, www.moonclips.com is a good place to start. I've been very happy with their clips, their mooner/demooner tools, and their moonclip carriers as well.